Monthly Archives: September 2017

Understanding /etc/shadow file

Article to understand fields, formats of /etc/shadow file. Learn each field in detail and how it can be modified.

/etc/shadow file in Linux

We have written about /etc/passwd file in the past. In this article, we will see /etc/shadow file, its format, its content, its importance for the Linux system. /etc/shadow file (henceforth referred to as shadow file in this article) is one of the crucial files on system and counterpart of /etc/passwd file.

Unlike the password file, the shadow file is not world-readable. It can be read by the root user only. Shadow file permissions are 400 i.e. -r-------- and ownership is root:root. This means it can be only read and by root users only. The reason for such security is password related information that is being stored in this file.

Typical /etc/shadow file looks like :

# cat /etc/shadow

Since its normal text file, commands like cat, more will work without any issue on it.

/etc/shadow file has different fields separated by a colon. There are a total of 8 fields in the shadow file. They are –

  1. Username
  2. Encrypted password
  3. Last password change
  4. Min days
  5. Max days
  6. Warn days
  7. Inactive days
  8. Expiry

Lets walk through all these fields one by one.


Username is the user’s login name. Its created on the system whenever the user is created using useradd command.

Encrypted password

Its user’s password in encrypted format.

Last password change

Its number of days since 1 Jan 1970, that password was last changed. For example in the above sample testuser’s last password change value is 17413 days. Means count 17413 days since 1 Jan 1970 which comes to 4 Sept 2017! That means testuser last changed his password on 4 Sept 2017.

You can easily add/subtract dates using scripts or online tools.

Min days

Its minimum number of days between two password changes of that account. That means the user can not change his password again unless min days have passed after his last password change. This field can be tweaked using chage command. This is set to 7 days generally but can be 1 too depends on your organization’s security norms.

Max days

Its maximum number of days for which the user password is valid. Once this period exhausted, the user is forced to change his/her password. This value can be altered using chage command. It is generally set to 30 days but value differs as per your security demands.

Warn days

Its number of days before password expiry, the user will start seeing a warning about his password expiration after login. Generally it is set to 7 but it’s up to you or your organization to decide this value as per organizational security policies.

Inactive days

A number of days after password expiry, the account will be disabled. This means if the user doesn’t log in to the system after his/her password expiry (so he doesn’t change the password) then after these many days account will be disabled. Once the account is disabled, the system admin needs to unlock it.


Its number of days since 1 Jan 1970, the account is disabled.  Calculations we already saw in the ‘last password change’ section.

Except for the first 2 fields, the rest of all fields are related to password aging/password policies.

Beginners guide to kill the process in Linux

Learn to kill the process in Linux using kill, kill, and killall commands. Kill processes using PID or process name.

Kill process in Linux with kill, pkill and killall

Windows users have a task manager where they can monitor running processes and choose to ‘End Task‘ to kill off unwanted/hung/less critical processes to save system resources. Same way, in Linux as well you can kill processes and save on your system resource utilization.

In this article we will walk through steps on how to kill the process in Linux using kill, kill, and killall commands. These three commands used to kill processes in a different manner. To proceed with you should know the concept of PID i.e. Process ID. It is the numeric value you will be used as an argument in kill commands.

What is PID?

PID is the Process ID, it’s a numeric identification of process in the kernel process table. Each process in Linux is identified by PID. PID 1 is always init process in Linux whereas new Linux distributions like RHEL7 has systemd as a PID 1 process. It is the parent of all processes. If any process don’t have a parent or if its parent process is terminated abruptly (zombie process), PID 1 process takes over that child process.

The next question is how to find process id in Linux? It can be obtained using below several commands :

root@kerneltalks # ps -A 
 PID TTY          TIME CMD
    1 ?        00:00:05 systemd
    2 ?        00:00:00 kthreadd
    3 ?        00:00:00 ksoftirqd/0
    5 ?        00:00:00 kworker/0:0H
    7 ?        00:00:00 migration/0
    8 ?        00:00:00 rcu_bh

root@kerneltalks # ps aux 
root         1  0.0  0.6 128164  6824 ?        Ss   Aug29   0:05 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize 20
root         2  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    Aug29   0:00 [kthreadd]
root         3  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    Aug29   0:00 [ksoftirqd/0]
root         5  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S<   Aug29   0:00 [kworker/0:0H]

root@kerneltalks # pidof systemd

With ps -A command you get a list of all running processes and their PID in the first column of the output. Grep out your desired process from the output. With ps aux command you can see more information about processes with PID in the second column of the output. Alternatively, you can use pidof command when you know the exact process name to get its only PID.

Now, you are ready with PID of the process to be killed. Let’s move on to killing it!

How to kill process in Linux?

There are a few limitations you should consider before killing any PID. They are as below –

  1. You can kill the process which is owned by your userid only.
  2. You can not kill system processes.
  3. Only the root user can kill other user’s processes.
  4. Only root can kill system using processes.

After fulfilling all above criteria, you can move ahead to kill PID.

Kill process using kill command

Kill command is used to send specific signals to specified PID. Signal numbers and PID you need to supply to command. The signal used are :

  • 1 :  Hung up
  • 9 : Kill
  • 15 : Terminate

Normally 9 signal is used (famous kill -9 command) while 15 is used if 9 doesn’t work. Hung up signal is rarely used. Kill process using command syntex kill -signal PID like –

root@kerneltalks # kill -9 8274

Kill process using pkill

If you want to use the process name instead of PID then you can use the pkill command. But remember to use the correct process name. Even a small typo can lead you to kill off unwanted processes.  Syntex is simple, just specify process name to command.

root@kerneltalks # pkill myprocess

Kill process using killall

With the above two commands : kill and pkill, you are killing only a specific process whose PID or name is specified. This leads its child processes to hung or zombie. To avoid this situation, you can kill the process along with all its child processes using killall command.

root@kerneltalks # killall myprocess


As root you can kill any process including system ones on the Linux system. As a normal user you can kill processes owned by you only. Process ID i.e. PID can be obtained using command ps or pidof. This PID or process name can be used to kill the process using kill, pkill and killall commands.