Category Archives: Cloud Services

AWS CloudFormation IaC Generator!

AWS has recently introduced a Console-to-Code functionality, allowing users to automatically generate Infrastructure as Code (IaC) templates based on actions performed in the EC2 console. Additionally, AWS offers the CloudFormation IaC Generator, a compact tool embedded in the AWS CloudFormation console. This tool facilitates the creation of CloudFormation templates for pre-existing resources within your account. In the following post, we will walk through this tool and step-by-step instructions on how to use it.

Exploring AWS CloudFormation IaC Generator

What is the IaC generator?

The AWS CloudFormation IaC generator lets you generate a template for AWS resources that are already provisioned in your account and not being managed by CloudFormation. It does makes sense to exclude resources managed by CloudFormation since you already have a template for them!

Firstly, initiate a scan of your account under the IaC generator console to provide the tool with a comprehensive list of resources not governed by CloudFormation. There are a few quota limits on these scans which can be referred here.

Upon completion of the scan, the tool displays a list of resources that are not under CloudFormation management. Begin creating the template by selecting these resources, and the tool will then generate the template in either YAML or JSON format.

The powerful IaC generator capabilities of CloudFormation can also be accessed via the AWS CLI, making it a compelling choice for streamlined and efficient automation.

How to use the IaC generator?

IaC generator console
  • If you are using it for the first time, you might want to hit the Start a new scan button for running the first resources scan of this tool. This scan will identify all the AWS resources in your account that are not managed by CloudFormation.
  • Click on Create template button.
  • On a create wizard, provide the template details.
Template details
  • We are choosing to create a template from scratch. If you want to add a resource in exsiting CloudFormation stack then choose ‘Upadte the template for an existing stack‘. Make an appropriate choice for deletion and update replace policies.
  • On a next screen, choose resources to be included in the IaC template.
Adding scanned resources
  • If the resource you are looking for is not in the list, probably you need to initiate the new scan since your scan inventory might be the old one.
  • Click on Next button and choose related resources if any.
Related resources
  • The tool gathers the list of dependent or related resources from the resource you chose in the last step. Since we selected S3 bucket with no external dependency like KMS key, etc. we are not having any related resource.
  • Click on Next button for the final Review screen of the wizard.
  • Review the selections and click Create template button.
IaC template is ready!
  • The teamplate will be genrated. You will have option to choose YAML or JSON format. You can copy or download it as well. Or you can import it into a CloudFormation Stack by clicking Import to stack button.
  • There is also AWS CDK application command in last tab AWS CDK

Importing the AWS resources in to the CloudFormation stack

It is always advisable to manage AWS resources through IaC templates, as this approach enhance resource management and minimizes the cloud clutter. One common challenge in the IaC journey is incorporating manually created existing resources into IaC. The IaC generator proves valuable in this scenario by assisting in the creation of IaC templates for your resources, facilitating a seamless transition.

Using IaC generator, you can generate the IaC template of existing resources that are not managed by Cloudformation. Once the template is generated, it also offers an option to import it in to the stack. Select that option (the last screesnhot in above section) and it will kickstart Cloudfomation import stack wizard.

Review all the information on the console, and then proceed to initiate the creation of a new stack that will import the chosen resources. I won’t go into a detailed, step-by-step procedure here, as it follows the standard CloudFormation stack process.

The CloudFormation stack will be created and you can see the selected resource is now imported and managed by CloudFormation.

Import resource completed.

This is a convenient method to scan for resources not governed by CloudFormation and subsequently import them into a CloudFormation stack, thereby fostering the adoption of Infrastructure as Code practices within your account and organization.


The IaC generator from AWS is a commendable initiative aimed at assisting customers in achieving 100% compliance with Infrastructure as Code for their infrastructure. It provides a seamless experience, effortlessly identifying non-IaC resources and smoothly importing them into CloudFormation stacks. Furthermore, it expedites the adoption of IaC by automatically generating code templates for you.

Exploring CloudFormation Git Sync!

In late Nov 2023, amazon announced the new CloudFormation Git sync feature. Let’s explore this new feature; how it works, how it impacts CD patterns of Infrastructure as Code (IaC), etc.

CloudFromation Git Sync Feature!

What is the CloudFormation Git sync?

Recently announced CloudFormation Git sync feature lets customers deploy and sync the CloudFormation IaC code directly from remote Git repositories. This will be a game changer in the future as this feature might empower customers to omit the Continuous Deployment tools like Jenkins, GitHub Actions, etc. altogether and hence their maintenance.

In summary, the customer is required to establish a GitHub Connection with AWS and subsequently generate a CloudFormation stack using the relevant IaC template repository information. Once the stack is set up, CloudFormation continually monitors the template files in the remote Git repository. Any new commits in the remote repo, trigger the automatic deployment of the corresponding changes to AWS.

Pre-requisite for CloudFormation Git sync

  • A Git repository with a valid CloudFormation IaC template
  • A GitHub Connector configured for the target AWS account
  • IAM role for Git Sync operations. It should have –
    • Access IAM policy
    • Trust policy

IAM policy

For tighter security control, one can scope down the IAM policy for certain CloudFormation Stacks using a resource block in the SyncToCloudFormation statement.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "SyncToCloudFormation",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Sid": "PolicyForManagedRules",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "events:ManagedBy": [
            "Sid": "PolicyForDescribingRule",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "events:DescribeRule",
            "Resource": "*"

Trust policy

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "TrustPolicy",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": ""
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

How to create a stack using CloudFormation Git Sync?

Let’s look at the step-by-step procedure to deploy a new CloudFormation stack using Git Sync.

Environment setup considered here –

  • An AWS account configured with GitHub Connection in the Developer Tools Console.
  • A Private GitHub repository cfn-git-sync-poc that hosts a valid CloudFormation template at cloudformation/s3-stack.yaml
  • An IAM role was cfn-github-role created on the target AWS account with above stated policies.

Now, it’s time to get our hands dirty!

  • Log in to the AWS CloudFormation console. Click on the Create stack dropdown button and choose With new resources (standard)
  • On a Create stack page, select Template is ready and Sync from Git
Create stack using Git
  • Start providing the stack details like the stack name of your choice and select automatic Deployment file creation. If you wish to create a deployment file, please refer to this file format details.
Stack details
  • Then, specify the Git repository information. Ensure that you have a configured and active GitHub connection to fill in the fields in this segment. Choose the repository containing the Infrastructure as Code (IaC), specify the deployment branch, and designate a Deployment file path where AWS will store the newly committed deployment file. Lastly, furnish the IAM role details that will be utilized for executing Git Sync operations.
Repository details
  • Lastly, enter the file path for the CloudFormation IaC template inside the remote Git repo and define the parameters that are declared in the template. These details will be used to build the Deployment file.
Template and parameter details
  • Click the Next button and you will enter the Stack options page.
  • Stack options are the same as any other CloudFormation stack hence we will not discuss them here.
  • After verifying/modifying Stack options click Next button on the page.
  • Now, you will enter the review page where you can see the Deployment file constructed using the details provided and it will be committed to the remote Git repo on defined location
Deployment file!
  • Review the rest of the configurations and click the Submit button.
  • Now, CloudFormation will commit and push the Deployment file to the remote Git repo by raising a Pull Request (PR). The message will be flagged on the page. Meanwhile, since the Deployment file is not found in the remote repo, the Provisioning status will be marked as Failed. Once PR is approved, Deployment file will be available in the remote repo.
The First deploy using CloudFormation Git Sync
  • Head over to GitHub and you should see a PR raised by Amazon to commit the deployment file into the remote repo.
PR raised by AWS Connector
Deployment file creation by AWS Connector in PR
  • Review, approve, and merge the PR.
  • Once PR is merged the code modification is detected by CloudFormation and it starts provisioning the stack.
Stack provisioning started
  • Once all defined resources are created, stack creation will complete and CloudFormation keep monitoring the Git repository for any new changes.
The Stack is deployed successfully!

In multiple environments such as development, testing, staging, and production, it’s possible to utilize distinct Stack Deployment files while leveraging a single CloudFormation IaC template file. These varied Deployment files can be organized into separate folders within the same repository for better segregation. By selecting the appropriate deployment file based on the environment where the CloudFormation stack is being established, the process becomes more streamlined. Something like –

├── dev
│   └── deployment.yaml
├── test
│   └── deployment.yaml
├── staging
│   └── deployment.yaml
├── production
│   └── deployment.yaml
└── template.yaml

By selecting the appropriate deployment file based on the environment where the CloudFormation stack is being established, the process becomes more streamlined. I anticipate that the Git Sync feature will evolve with additional capabilities in the future, potentially prompting customers to reconsider the necessity of separate Continuous Deployment (CD) software.

What do you think about this feature?

What are your thoughts on the CloudFormation Git Sync feature? Could it potentially revolutionize the game? Will it make several Continuous Deployment tools obsolete? It feels like an ArgoCD for Kubernetes, operating in a remarkably similar manner. For sure, it may not yet offer extensive control over commit-wide deployments, but the potential for future enhancements is exciting. This feature appears to transform the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) landscape for AWS customers, possibly luring some back from alternative IaC platforms. Witnessing its development and utilization in enterprise productions is going to be exciting!

How to add a GitHub connection from an AWS account?

In this blog post, we will guide you through a step-by-step process to establish a GitHub connection in an AWS account.

Creating GitHub Connection for AWS

What is a connection?

Firstly, let’s understand the concept of a connection in the AWS world. In AWS, a connection refers to a resource that is used for linking third-party source repositories to various AWS services. AWS provides a range of Developer tools, and when integration is required with third-party source repositories such as GitHub, GitLab, etc., the connection serves as a means to achieve this.

Adding a connection to connect GitHub with AWS

Let’s dive into the step-by-step procedure to add a connection that helps your AWS account to talk with your personal GitHub repositories.

AWS Developer Tools Connection console
  • On a wizard screen, select Github and name your connection.
  • Click on Connect to GitHub button
Create Connection wizard
  • Now, AWS will try to connect to GitHub and access your account. Ensure you are already logged into GitHub and you should see below authorization screen. If not, you will need to login to GitHub first.
Authorize AWS connector for GitHub
  • You can review the permissions being allowed to AWS on your account by clicking Learn more link on this screen.
  • Click on Authorize AWS Connector for GitHub
  • After authorizing the AWS connector, you should be back to the GitHub connection settings page.
  • At this point, AWS requires a GitHub Apps detail that will allow Amazon to access your GitHub repositories and make modifications to them.
  • AWS also offers to create a GitHub app on your behalf if it’s not created already. You can use the Install a new app button here to let AWS create the GitHub app in your account.
  • In that case, you need to verify the configuration (repo selection) and then click the Install button.
Installing AWS Connector GitHub App
  • Once the App is created, the GitHub Apps ID will be populated in the wizard or manually enter the ID if the App is already created.
GitHub Apps details for creating a connection
  • Click on Connect button
  • You should be greeted with a success message with the new connection created!
GitHub Connection is created!

Your GitHub connection is now ready. You can use this connection in compatible AWS services and let those services access your Github repositories.

Exploring the Latest AWS Console-to-Code Feature

On November 2023 AWS announced the Preview going live for the new feature AWS Console-to-Code. Two months later, in this blog, we will explore this feature, learn about how to use it, what are the limitations, etc.

AWS Console-to-Code

What is the AWS Console-to-Code feature?

It’s the latest feature from AWS made available in the EC2 console that leverages Generative AI to convert the actions performed on the AWS EC2 console into the IaC (infrastructure as Code) code! It’s a stepping stone towards IaC creation methods in the world of AWS cloud.

The actions carried out on the AWS console during the current session are monitored by the feature in the background. These recorded actions are then made available to the user to select up to 5 of these actions, along with their preferred language. AWS then utilizes its Generative AI capabilities to automatically generate code that replicates the objectives achieved through manual actions on the console.

It also generates the AWS CLI command alongside the IaC code.

The usefulness of the AWS Console-to-Code feature

With the current list of limitations and the preview stage, this feature might not be a game changer but it does have potential in the future. The AWS Console-to-Code feature will surely help developers and administrators to get the IaC skeleton quickly to start from and speed up the IaC coding with less effort.

This feature simplifies the process of generating AWS CLI commands, eliminating the need to constantly consult documentation and manually construct commands with the correct arguments. As a result, it accelerates automation deliveries with reduced effort.

By the way, there is no additional cost to use Console-to-Code so it doesn’t hurt to employ it for initial IaC drafting!

Limitation of AWS Console-to-Code feature

  • Currently, it’s in the ‘Preview’ phase.
  • Only available in North Virginia (us-east-1) region as of today.
  • It can generate IaC code in the listed types and languages only –
    • CDK: Java
    • CDK: Python
    • CDK: TypeScript
    • CloudFoprmation: JSON
    • CloudFoprmation: YAML
  • It does not retain data across sessions. The actions that are performed in the current session are made available for Code Generation. Meaning if you refresh the browser page, it resets the action list and starts recording afresh.
  • Up to 5 actions can be selected to generate code.
  • Actions from the EC2 console only are recorded. However, I observed even a few actions like Security Group creation or Volume listing, etc. are not being recorded.

How to use the AWS Console-to-Code feature

  • Login to the EC2 console and select region N. Virginia (us-east-1)
  • On the left-hand side menu, ensure you have a Console-to-Code link.
  • Perform some actions in the EC2 console like launching an instance, etc.
  • Navigate to Console-to-Code by clicking on the link in the left-hand side menu.
  • It will present you with a list of recorded actions. Select one or a maximum of 5 actions for which you want to generate code. You can even filter the recorded actions as per their Type:
    • Show read-only: Read-only events like Describe*
    • Show mutating: Events that modified/created/deleted or altered the AWS resources.
  • Click on the drop-down menu and select the type and language for the code.
AWS console-to-code recorded actions
  • It should start generating code.
  • After code generation, you have an option to copy or download it. You can also copy the AWS CLI command on the same page.
Python code generated by AWS Console-to-Code
  • It also provides the generated code’s explanation at the bottom of the code.

Scaling with AWS PrivateLink

In this article, we’ll discuss the scalability aspects of AWS PrivateLink. We’ll examine how the expansion of the service consumer VPC count impacts AWS PrivateLink implementation and its management. Additionally, we will delve into key considerations for designing a scalable solution using AWS PrivateLink.

Scale with AWS PrivateLink

AWS PrivateLink Primer

AWS PrivateLink provides a method for making your service accessible to other VPCs through a secure, private network connection over the AWS backbone network. This ensures that your data remains within the AWS network, thereby improving security and lowering data transfer expenses compared to when utilizing the public internet. The basic architecture of AWS PrivateLink is depicted as follows –

AWS PrivateLink architecture

To set up the connection, you must establish an Endpoint Service within the service provider VPC, using a network/gateway load balancer. In the service consumer VPC, you should create a VPC endpoint that links to this Endpoint Service. The endpoint policies facilitate access control by specifying which principles are permitted to connect to the Endpoint Service. Please refer to this AWS documentation for more details.

Scalability aspect

Now, let’s discuss the scalability aspect concerning AWS PrivateLink. When we talk about scalability, we’re referring to the expansion of the number of VPCs acting as service consumers. In scenarios where you have critical or shared services hosted within the service provider VPC and made accessible through AWS PrivateLink for consumption by services located in different VPCs, it’s clear that the count of consumer VPCs will keep increasing. Therefore, it becomes essential to take scalability considerations into account.

Various VPC endpoints situated in different consumer VPCs can establish connections with a single endpoint service located in the service provider VPC. Hence, you can think of a high-level architecture as below –

Multiple VPC endpoints to one endpoint service

Furthermore, it’s important to note that AWS PrivateLink can enable communication to endpoints located in different AWS Regions through the use of Inter-Region VPC Peering.

I recommend reading this AWS blog, which outlines an architecture involving PrivateLink and Transit Gateway. This approach has the potential to significantly decrease the number of VPC endpoints, streamline the deployment of VPC endpoints, and offer cost optimization benefits, especially when implementing solutions at scale.

Scaling considerations

While it’s possible to configure many-to-one connectivity using AWS PrivateLink, there are several important factors to keep in mind when considering this type of scaling:

  • Cost and management: As you introduce new consumer VPCs to AWS PrivateLink, you’ll also be adding new VPC endpoints to your infrastructure, which can add to your billing and infrastructure management overhead.
  • AWS PrivateLink quotas: Be sure to take into account AWS PrivateLink quotas, as these define the limits for various aspects of your PrivateLink setup.
  • Network throughput: VPC endpoints support a maximum throughput of 100Gbps. This is an important consideration for applications that have high network demands when exposed through AWS PrivateLink.
  • LB quotas: Be considerate about network load balancer quotas/gateway load balancer quotas.
  • IP requirements: AWS PrivateLink consumes a certain number of IP addresses for Load Balancers and endpoints from your VPC’s IP address pool. Ensure that your VPCs can accommodate these IP requirements without causing IP address exhaustion.

Transit Gateway as an alternative?

Let’s look at Transit Gateway if it can be an alternative in a continually expanding VPC environment.

  • If unidirectional traffic is your primary requirement, AWS PrivateLink is the choice.
  • For a cost-efficient solution, AWS PrivateLink is certainly more economical than Transit Gateway.
  • It’s worth noting that Transit Gateway is not suitable when dealing with VPCs that have overlapping CIDRs.
  • In a nutshell, Transit Gateway becomes a viable alternative only when you are designing a highly scalable solution involving a significantly huge number of participating VPCs with non-overlapping CIDRs, and your solution prioritizes simplicity and reduced management overhead over cost considerations.

Understanding the basics of Lambda Function URLs

In this guide, we’ll take you through the fundamental concepts of Lambda Function URLs. We’ll discuss their definition, explore their applications, and address security considerations, providing a comprehensive overview.

What is the Lambda Function URL?

It’s a dedicated, unique, and static URL for your Lambda function, enabling remote invocation of the backend Lambda function over the network call. This straightforward and budget-friendly method simplifies Lambda function invocation, bypassing the need for managing complex front-end infrastructure like API Gateway, Load Balancers, or CloudFront. However, this comes at the expense of advanced features provided by these services.

It follows the format:


Why to use Lambda Fuction URL?

  • Creating them is quite straightforward and simple. The AuthType (security) is the only configuration you need to provide. CORS config is optional.
  • They come at no additional cost.
  • Once configured, they require minimal maintenance.
  • For straightforward use cases, they can replace the need for designing, managing, and incurring the costs of front-end infrastructure, such as API Gateway.
  • They are most appropriate for development scenarios where you can prioritize other aspects of applications/architecture over the complexity of Lambda invocation methods.

When to use Lambda Function URLs?

Lambda Function URLs serve a valuable role in accelerating the testing and development of the application, by prioritizing Lambda invocations in the application’s progress, while the method of invocation takes a backseat.

In production, they’re practical when your design doesn’t necessitate the advanced features provided by alternative invocation methods like API Gateway or Load Balancers, etc.

These URLs are also beneficial when dealing with a limited number of Lambdas, offering a simple, cost-effective, and maintenance-free approach to invocations.

How to secure Lambda Function URLs?

You can manage access to Lambda Function URLs by specifying the AuthType, which offers two configurable options:

  1. AWS_IAM: This allows you to define AWS entities (users or roles) that are granted access to the function URL. You need to ensure a proper resource policy is in place allowing intended entities access to Action: lambda:InvokeFunctionUrl
  2. NONE: Provides public, unauthenticated access. Use this option cautiously, as it allows unrestricted access. When you choose this option, Lambda automatically creates a resource-based policy with Principal: * and Action: lambda:InvokeFunctionUrl and attaches to function.

It’s important to remember that Lambda’s resource-based policy is always enforced in conjunction with the selected AuthType. Please read this AWS documentation for more details.

The Lambda resource policy can be configured at Lambda > Configuration > Permissions > Resource-based policy statements.

With the basics of Lambda Function URLs in mind, refer to how to create Lambda Function URL and kick-start your journey with them!

VPC Peering vs AWS PrivateLink vs Transit Gateway

In this article, we will compare three different ways to cross-VPC communication: VPC peering, AWS PrivateLink, and Transit Gateway. We’ll also discuss when to use each one and help you choose the best option. It’s important to note that we won’t dive deep into each implementation; instead, we’ll focus on their advantages, limitations, and ideal usage scenarios.

Peering or PrivateLink or Transit Gateway!

When operating Cloud Native applications, maintaining private and secure communication between applications is crucial. These applications may be distributed across various VPCs, whether within the same account or across different accounts. In such scenarios, we establish cross-VPC communication through the use of VPC peering, AWS PrivateLink, or Transit Gateway.

Let’s look at them one by one.

VPC Peering

It is a networking connection between two VPCs where network traffic can be routed across two VPCs. Read more about VPC peering here. Let’s look at the pros and cons of the VPC peering –


  • Relatively straightforward to configure. It’s an invite-accept configuration.
  • Create network connectivity between two VPCs, resulting in a scalable network connection solution, enabling all resources in one VPC to communicate with resources in the other.
  • A simple, secure, and budget-friendly option.
  • VPC Peering comes at no additional cost; you are only billed for data transfer costs. The data transfer cost for VPC peering within the same Availability Zone (AZ) is completely free.


  • Peering VPCs with overlapping CIDRs is not possible.
  • Peering is non-transitive.

Ideal usage

  • Individual VPC-to-VPC connections.
  • A situation that demands full network connectivity with other VPC.
  • A use case where a simple and cost-effective solution is expected.
  • This approach is not well-suited for handling a large number of VPCs. In such cases, Transit Gateway is the preferred solution. Since mesh networking between a large number of VPCs using peering adds complexity to the architecture.

AWS PrivateLink

It’s an AWS service that enables you to access AWS services over a private network connection, rather than over the public internet. Read more about AWS PrivateLink here.


  • A selective sharing of services between VPCs. Unlike VPC peering, where all VPC network access is unrestricted, AWS PrivateLink permits only specific services to be accessible across VPC.
  • This is a secure solution for private connectivity of services across VPCs or on-premises.


  • It’s a connectivity option between your VPC and AWS services, not between VPCs. For VPC-to-VPC connectivity, consider VPC peering or Transit Gateway.
  • The setup process is complex.
  • It necessitates the creation of Network Load Balancers (NLB), Application Load Balancers (ALB), and Gateway endpoints, which introduces additional costs and management overhead.
  • Enabling PrivateLink for existing services requires design adjustments, including the incorporation of the above components into the current architecture.

Ideal usage

  • It can be valuable in hybrid cloud configurations to make services accessible privately between VPCs and on-premises environments.
  • It’s beneficial for accessing AWS’s public services like Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon S3 through AWS’s backbone network, ensuring secure, fast, and reliable connectivity while potentially reducing network costs.
  • It’s applicable for creating isolation by selectively exposing specific services to particular VPCs.

Transit Gateway

AWS Transit Gateway is a service that makes network routing easier for your Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs), on-premises networks, and VPN connections. It helps to simplify and centralize network routing. Read more about Transit Gateway here.


  • A concrete method to link numerous VPCs, network devices, VPN connections, or an AWS Direct Connect gateway, featuring transitive routing for the simplification of network design.
  • Multicast support facilitates effortless distribution of content and data to various endpoints.
  • Efficiently manage and control large-scale networking via a single, unified service.


Ideal usage

  • It is well-suited for hub-and-spoke architectures, designs that involve a significant number of VPCs, transitive routing needs, and global or multi-region network designs.
  • It is designed for scalability and is particularly suitable for continuously expanding environments.
  • It’s valuable for efficiently managing network connectivity among a large number of diverse participants.

Which one should I use?

As we’ve discussed, each of these three networking approaches has its specific areas of focus tailored to particular use cases. Consequently, the choice depends entirely on your unique requirements.

VPC Peering is an excellent choice when you need to connect a limited number of VPCs with minimal cost implications and management overhead.

AWS PrivateLink is the right option when you intend to selectively expose services to other VPCs, although it involves additional costs, extra networking components, and the associated management overhead.

Transit Gateway can serve as an alternative to VPC Peering as you scale to a larger number of VPCs, simplifying network management at the expense of some additional costs. It’s also well-suited for connecting various network entities with anticipated scalability.

Coding GitHub action for automated CloudFormation template linting

GitHub action code for automated CloudFormation template linting on PR

Cloudformation Template Linting

GitHub is a popular version control software used widely by companies. And it is the best place to manage your AWS IaC i.e. CloudFormation templates! With the ever-growing AWS infrastructure and hence the template versions, it’s always a good practice to have your CloudFormation templates linted for any syntax errors. It saves a lot of time as you know the errors beforehand and not at the time of deployment on AWS! It will be more time saving if it just gets linted when someone raises the pull request (PR) so that the code owner, as well as the developer, knows the code modifications in PR are linted and sane to be approved.

cfn-linter is the best CloudFormation linter available. It can be implemented via GitHub actions for automated lint actions on PR submission. I will walk you through the process of setting it up.

Understanding the flow

First of all, you need to get the list of modified files in the PR so that you can run a linter against it. It can be managed by using readymade available actions or using git commands. There are a couple of actions like tj-actions, Get all changed files, etc.

Once we got the list, we need to filter out files that are potentially not CloudFormation templates. You don’t want to feed non-template files to linter as that would result in failure. I did this using grep and also allowed the shell to continue even if grep exists with a non-zero exit code. This will prevent GitHub action from failing if there are no template files modified in the given PR.

Lastly, lint all templates one by one using cfn-lint. I am ignoring the warning using -i W flag to avoid failing GitHub actions due to warnings.


All these points are summarised in below GitHub Action code –

name: Lint CloudFormation Templates
        - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Setup Cloud Formation Linter with Latest Version
        uses: scottbrenner/cfn-lint-action@v2     
      - name: Fetch changed file list
        uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v17.2
        id: changed-files
      - name: Run Linter
        shell: bash
        run: |
          > list
          for file in ${{ steps.changed-files.outputs.all_changed_files }}; do
            echo $file >> list
          set +e
          cat list | grep -e json -e yaml -e yml | grep -v .github > lint_list
          set -e
          if [ -s lint_list ]; then
          for i in `cat lint_list`
          echo "Linting template: $i"
          cfn-lint -t $i -i W
          echo "No Cloudformation template detected in commit!"
          exit 0

You need to place this file with the name of your choice under <repo>/.github/workflows the directory. If you have some different master branch naming conventions or different strategies on when code should be listed, then make necessary changes in on: section.

GitHub Action

Once the action config is in place, PR submission will see automated checked in it.

Linter github action

If you click on Details, you will see the details about the action.

GitHub actions details

Your CloudFormation templates are being linted when PR is raised!

How to install Cluster Autoscaler on AWS EKS

A quick rundown on how to install Cluster Autoscaler on AWS EKS.

CA on EKS!

What is Cluster Autoscaler (CA)

Cluster Autoscaler is not a new word in the Kubernetes world. It’s a program that scales out or scales in the Kubernetes cluster as per capacity demands. It is available on Github here.

For scale-out action, it looks for any unschedulable pods in the cluster and scale-out to make sure they can be scheduled. If CA is running with default settings, then it checks every 10 seconds. So basically it detects and acts for scale-out in 10 secs.

For scale in action it watches nodes for their utilization and any underutilized node will be elected for scale in. The elected node will have to remain in an un-needed state for 10 minutes for CA to terminate it.


As you know now, CA’s core functionality is spawning new nodes or terminating the un-needed ones, it’s essential it must be having underlying infrastructure access to perform these actions.

In AWS EKS, Kubernetes nodes are EC2 or FARGATE compute. Hence, Cluster Autoscaler running on EKS clusters should be having access to respective service APIs to perform scale out and scale in. It can be achieved by creating an IAM role with appropriate IAM policies attached to it.

Cluster Autoscaler should be running in a separate namespace (kube-system by default) on the same EKS cluster as a Kubernetes deployment. Let’s look at the installation

How to install Cluster Autoscaler on AWS EKS

Creating IAM role

IAM role of Autoscaler needs to have an IAM policy attached to it with the below permissions –

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Effect": "Allow"

You will need to use this policy ARN in eksctl command. Also, make sure you have an IAM OIDC provider associated with your EKS cluster. Read more in detail here.

As mentioned above, we need to have an IAM role in a place that can be leveraged by Cluster Autoscaler to perform resource creation or termination on AWS services like EC2. It can be done manually, but it’s recommended to perform it using eksctl command for its comfort and perfection! It takes care of trust relationship policy and related conditions while setting up a role. If you do not prefer eksctl then refer to this document to create it using AWS CLI or console.

You need to run it from the terminal where AWS CLI is configured.

# eksctl create iamserviceaccount --cluster=<CLUSTER-NAME> --namespace=<NAMESPACE> --name=cluster-autoscaler --attach-policy-arn=<MANAGED-POLICY-ARN> --override-existing-serviceaccounts --region=<CLUSTER-REGION> --approve

where –

  • CLUSTER-NAME: Name of the EKS Cluster
  • NAMESPACE: ns under which you plan to run CA. Preference: kube-system
  • CLUSTER-REGION: Region in which EKS Cluster is running
  • MANAGED-POLICY-ARN: IAM policy ARN created for this role
# eksctl create iamserviceaccount --cluster=blog-cluster --namespace=kube-system --name=cluster-autoscaler --attach-policy-arn=arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxx:policy/blog-eks-policy --override-existing-serviceaccounts --region=us-east-1 --approve
2022-01-26 13:45:11 [&#x2139;]  eksctl version 0.80.0
2022-01-26 13:45:11 [&#x2139;]  using region us-east-1
2022-01-26 13:45:13 [&#x2139;]  1 iamserviceaccount (kube-system/cluster-autoscaler) was included (based on the include/exclude rules)
2022-01-26 13:45:13 [!]  metadata of serviceaccounts that exist in Kubernetes will be updated, as --override-existing-serviceaccounts was set
2022-01-26 13:45:13 [&#x2139;]  1 task: {
    2 sequential sub-tasks: {
        create IAM role for serviceaccount "kube-system/cluster-autoscaler",
        create serviceaccount "kube-system/cluster-autoscaler",
    } }2022-01-26 13:45:13 [&#x2139;]  building iamserviceaccount stack "eksctl-blog-cluster-addon-iamserviceaccount-kube-system-cluster-autoscaler"
2022-01-26 13:45:14 [&#x2139;]  deploying stack "eksctl-blog-cluster-addon-iamserviceaccount-kube-system-cluster-autoscaler"
2022-01-26 13:45:14 [&#x2139;]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-blog-cluster-addon-iamserviceaccount-kube-system-cluster-autoscaler"
2022-01-26 13:45:33 [&#x2139;]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-blog-cluster-addon-iamserviceaccount-kube-system-cluster-autoscaler"
2022-01-26 13:45:50 [&#x2139;]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-blog-cluster-addon-iamserviceaccount-kube-system-cluster-autoscaler"
2022-01-26 13:45:52 [&#x2139;]  created serviceaccount "kube-system/cluster-autoscaler"

The above command prepares the JSON CloudFormation template and deploys it in the same region. You can visit the CloudFormation console and check it.


If you choose to run CA in different namespace by defining custom namespace in manifest file, then replace kube-system with appropriate namespace name in all below commands.

Download and prepare your Kubernetes to manifest file.

# curl -o cluster-autoscaler-autodiscover.yaml
# sed -i 's/<YOUR CLUSTER NAME>/cluster-name/g' cluster-autoscaler-autodiscover.yaml

Replace cluster-name with EKS cluster name.

Apply the manifest to your EKS cluster. Make sure you have the proper context set for your kubectl command so that kubectl is targeted to the expected EKS cluster.

# kubectl apply -f cluster-autoscaler-autodiscover.yaml
serviceaccount/cluster-autoscaler configured created created created created
deployment.apps/cluster-autoscaler created

Add annotation to cluster-autoscaler service account with ARN of the IAM role we created in the first step. Replace ROLE-ARN with IAM role arn.

# kubectl annotate serviceaccount cluster-autoscaler -n kube-system<ROLE-ARN>
$ kubectl annotate serviceaccount cluster-autoscaler -n kube-system --overwrite=true
serviceaccount/cluster-autoscaler annotated

Patch CA for adding eviction related annotation

# kubectl patch deployment cluster-autoscaler -n kube-system -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"": "false"}}}}}'
deployment.apps/cluster-autoscaler patched

Edit CA container command to accommodate below two arguments –

  • --balance-similar-node-groups
  • --skip-nodes-with-system-pods=false
# NEW="        - --balance-similar-node-groups\n        - --skip-nodes-with-system-pods=false"
# kubectl get -n kube-system deployment.apps/cluster-autoscaler -o yaml | awk "/- --node-group-auto-discovery/{print;print \"$NEW\";next}1" > autoscaler-patch.yaml
# kubectl patch deployment.apps/cluster-autoscaler -n kube-system --patch "$(cat autoscaler-patch.yaml)"
deployment.apps/cluster-autoscaler patched

Make sure the CA container image is the latest one in your deployment definition. If not you can choose a new image by running –

# kubectl set image deployment cluster-autoscaler -n kube-system

Replace X.Y.Z with the latest version.

$ kubectl set image deployment cluster-autoscaler -n kube-system
deployment.apps/cluster-autoscaler image updated


Cluster Autoscaler installation is now complete. Verify the logs to make sure Cluster Autoscaler is not throwing any errors.

# kubectl -n kube-system logs -f deployment.apps/cluster-autoscaler

How to resolve the MFA entity already exists error

A quick fix for error MFA entity already exists.

IAM says MFA exists when its not!


The user is not able to register an MFA device. When a user tries to assign a new MFA, IAM throws an error –

This entity already exists. MFADevice entity at the same path and name already exists. Before you can add a new virtual MFA device, ask your administrator to delete the existing device using the CLI or API.
MFA assignment error

Whereas if you as admin or even user check the AWS console it shows Assigned MFA device as Not assigned for that user.


As an administrator, you need to delete the MFA device (yes even if says not assigned) using AWS CLI. The performer needs to have IAM permission iam:DeleteVirtualMFADevice on to the given resource to update the IAM user’s MFA.

Run below command from AWS CLI –

# aws iam delete-virtual-mfa-device --serial-number arn:aws:iam::<AWS account number>:mfa/<username>

where –

  • AWS account number is account number where user exists
  • username is IAM username of that user

This should clear out the error message and the user should be able to register a new MFA device.