Linux scheduler: Cron, At jobs

Learn everything about Linux/Unix schedulers i.e. cron and at. Know how to schedule cronjobs and at jobs, their configuration files, log files.

Unix or Linux comes with native in-build job scheduler i.e. cron and at. Out of which cron used to schedule tasks to repeat over some period while at used to execute the job at a specific time one time.


Cron enables administrators/users to execute a particular script or command at a given time of choice repetitively. It’s a daemon that runs in the background whenever system clock configured time it executes respective script or command. It can be checked if running with ps/service command.

# ps -ef |grep -i cron
root      2390     1  0 Mar17 ?        00:01:24 crond
root      8129  8072  0 09:50 pts/0    00:00:00 grep -i cron
# service crond status
crond (pid  2390) is running...


Cron saves commands/scripts and related schedules in a file called crontab. Normally crontab can be found in path /var/spool/cron and file with a username (root user crontab file can be seen in the below example). These are plain text files that can be viewed using cat, more commands and can be edited using a text editor.

# pwd
# ll
total 4
-rw------- 1 root root 99 Jul 31  2015 root
# cat root
00 8 * * 1 /scripts/

But, it’s not advisable to edit crontab file with a text editor, you need to use crontab -e <username> command to edit it so that syntax can be verified before saving. This command opens a crontab file in a native text editor only.

Cron access can be given a user basis. The administrator can enable or disable cron access to a particular user. There are two files cron.allow, cron.deny; either one of which will exist on the server. These are files with usernames only. No special file format/syntax follows within. If both files are missing then the only superuser is allowed to use cron.

If cron.allow exists on the server then only users specified in this file are allowed to use cron, rest all are denied. And if it exists and empty then all are denied.

If cron.deny exists then only users specified in it are not allowed to use cron, rest all are allowed. And if it exists and empty then all are allowed.


Let’s see the syntax for the crontab file and commands.

A crontab file has 6 fields separated by space to be filled in. Those are as below :


  • Minute: Timestamp in 24 hrs format
  • Hours: Timestamp in 24 hrs format
  • Day of month: Date in dd format
  • Month: Month number in mm format or Jan, Feb format.
  • Day of week: Numeric/text day of the week. 0 or 7 being Sunday or Sun, Mon, etc.

These fields also support a series of values or multiple values example 1,2,3 or 1-4. When multiple time values defined then the event will happen whenever the clock hits one of the values.

Default cron definitions i.e. path or shell used to execute commands/scripts in crontabs etc are defined in /etc/crontab file. See example below :

# cat /etc/crontab

# For details see man 4 crontabs

# Example of job definition:
# .---------------- minute (0 - 59)
# |  .------------- hour (0 - 23)
# |  |  .---------- day of month (1 - 31)
# |  |  |  .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...
# |  |  |  |  .---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
# |  |  |  |  |
# *  *  *  *  * user-name command to be executed

Crontab commands

We have a crontab command with several options to play around configurations.

  • -u Specify user
  • -l to view specified user’s crontab
  • -e to edit specified user’s crontab
  • -r to remove specified user’s crontab
  • -i Interactive removal. Should be used with -r

If a new crontab is being set then the system will show using empty crontab for the user!

# crontab -u testuser -e
no crontab for testuser - using an empty one
crontab: installing new crontab
# crontab -u testuser-l
00 8 * * 1 echo test
# crontab -u testuser -i -r
crontab: really delete testuser's crontab? y
# crontab -u testuser -l
no crontab for testuser

Cron logs

All activities by cron daemon are logged in logfile /var/log/cron. It includes crontab alterations and cron daemon executions. Let’s look at the file

# tail /var/log/cron
Nov 21 10:25:36 oratest02 crontab[29364]: (root) BEGIN EDIT (testuser)
Nov 21 10:25:48 oratest02 crontab[29364]: (root) REPLACE (testuser)
Nov 21 10:25:48 oratest02 crontab[29364]: (root) END EDIT (testuser)
Nov 21 10:26:52 oratest02 crontab[30139]: (root) LIST (testuser)
Nov 21 10:27:46 oratest02 crontab[30695]: (root) DELETE (testuser)
Nov 21 10:27:53 oratest02 crontab[30697]: (root) LIST (testuser)
Nov 21 10:30:01 oratest02 CROND[31983]: (root) CMD (/usr/lib64/sa/sa1 1 1)
Nov 22 10:40:01 oratest02 CROND[6166]: (root) CMD (/usr/lib64/sa/sa1 1 1)

In the above example, you can see, crontab alteration is being logged with what actions took place. Those logs are against the crontab field where first braces show the user who did alterations and last braces show which user’s crontab was altered. In the last two, you can see cron commands being executed by cron daemon according to schedule hence logged against CROND. This file is very helpful in troubleshooting issues related to cron executions.


At enables administrators/users to execute a particular script or command at a given time of choice only once. It can also be termed as one-time task scheduling.  Same as crond, a daemon for at is atd which runs in background. This can be checked using ps or service commands.

# ps -ef |grep -i atd
root      2403     1  0 Mar17 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/atd
root     13568  8072  0 10:51 pts/0    00:00:00 grep -i atd
# service atd status
atd (pid  2403) is running...


at stores submitted jobs in files located at /var/spool/at where file names are system generated and unlike crontabs these files can not be read.

# pwd
# ll
total 12
-rwx------  1 root   root 2994 Nov 22 10:57 a000010178544d
-rwx------  1 root   root 2989 Nov 22 11:00 a000020178548c
drwx------. 2 daemon daemon  4096 Jan 30  2012 spool

at access also can be given a user basis. It also has at.allow and at.deny files and those works same as cron.allow and cron.deny files we saw earlier in this post.


at command should be supplied with the time you prefer to execute the command. Once given in proper format, it will present you with a prompt. This prompt takes command inputs that need to be executed at a given time. Once finished entering commands/ scripts one can simply press ctrl+d to exit out of at prompt and save the job. Observe a new file that is being generated at the above-mentioned path once you submit the job. at commands takes numerous types of time formats like noon, midnight, now + 2 hours, now + 20 minutes, tomorrow, next Monday, etc. If you enter the wrong format it will return the “garbled time” error message.

# at +2 hours
syntax error. Last token seen: +
Garbled time
# at now + 2 hour
at> echo hello
at> <EOT>
job 2 at 2016-11-22 13:00

To view currently queued jobs in at scheduler run atq or at -l command. It shows the output with numbering in the first column. The second field is about a time when the execution will happen and the last field is the username.

# atq
2       2016-11-22 13:00 a root
1       2016-11-22 11:57 a root

# at -l
2       2016-11-22 13:00 a root
1       2016-11-22 11:57 a root

To remove a particular job from queue atrm command is used. It should be supplied with serial number of the job. In the below example, we removed job number 2. You can see its vanished from the queue. The same can be achieved using at -r command instead of atrm.

# atrm 1

# at -l
2       2016-11-22 13:00 a root

at logs:

at daemon is very much regressive in terms of logging. Normally it does not log anything anywhere about its job queue alterations or job executions. Only fatal errors related to daemon are logged in Syslog only. Even if we turn debugging on, it logs information which is merely informative to look at.

LVM commands tutorial: Part 3: Logical Volume (lvsync, lvlnboot)

Series of the tutorial to learn LVM commands. In this part, learn how to sync LV and set it as a boot, root, swap device (lvsync, lvlnboot)

This is the last part of LVM command tutorials and last post for logical volume command too. Last all parts of this tutorial can be found on below links :

Let’s start with our first command here.

Command: lvsync

It synchronizes stale PE in given LV. It’s used in mirroring environment. Whenever there is any disk failure or disk path issue, PE goes bad and LV, in turn, has stale PE. Once the issue is corrected we need to sync stale PE with this command if they don’t sync automatically.

The command doesn’t have many options. It should be supplied with the LV path only.

# /usr/sbin/lvsync /dev/vg00/lvol6
Resynchronized logical volume "/dev/vg00/lvol6".

Command: lvlnboot

This command used to define logical volume as a root, dump, swap or boot volume. You have to submit an LV path along with the specific option of your choice to command. Options are as below :

  • -b Boot volume
  • -d Dump volume
  • -r Root volume
  • -s Swap volume
  • -R Recover any missing links
  • -v Verbose mode
# lvlnboot -r /dev/vg00/lvol3
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg00 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg00.conf
# lvlnboot -b /dev/vg00/lvol1
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg00 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg00.conf
# lvlnboot -s /dev/vg00/lvol2
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg00 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg00.conf
# lvlnboot -d /dev/vg00/lvol2
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg00 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg00.conf

We have already seen this command in root disk mirroring.

This concludes our LVM command tutorials!! Feel free to drop in any queries you have.

LVM commands tutorial: Part 3: Logical Volume (lvextend, lvreduce, lvchange)

Series of the tutorial to learn LVM commands. In this part, learn how to extend, reduce and change the state of the logical volume (lvextend, lvreduce, lvchange)

In continuation of last part of a logical volume, we will be seeing more commands on lvol in this post. Previous posts of this LVM command tutorial can be found on below links :

Logical volumes like VG can be extended and shrank. We will be seeing lvextend, lvreduce, lvchangecommands in this post.

Command: lvextend

To extend logical volume, you should have enough free space within that VG. Command syntax is pretty much similar to lvcreate command for size. The only thing is you need to supply the final required size in command. For example, the current LV size is 1GB and you want to extend it with 2GB. Then you need to give the final 3GB size in the command argument.

# lvextend -L 3072 /dev/vg01/lvol1
Logical volume "/dev/vg01/lvol1" has been successfully extended.
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg01 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg01.conf

Another important option is of mirror copies. It plays a vital role in root disk mirroring. -m is the option with the number of mirror copies as an argument.

# lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol1 /dev/disk/disk2_p2
The newly allocated mirrors are now being synchronized. This operation will
take some time. Please wait ....
Logical volume "/dev/vg00/lvol1" has been successfully extended.
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg00 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg00.conf

Command: lvreduce

This command used for decreasing the number of mirror copies or decreasing the size of LV. This is the data destroying command. Hence make sure you have data of related file system backed up first. The size and mirror copy options are works the same for this command as well. -L for LE_reduce_size, -l number of LE to be reduced and -m is the number of copies to be reduced.

# lvreduce -L 500 /dev/vg01/lvol1
When a logical colume is reduced useful data might get lost;
do you really want the command to proceed (y/n) : y
Logical volume "/dev/vg01/lvol1" has been successfully reduced.
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg01 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg01.conf

While reducing mirror copies if one of the PV is failed or missing then command won’t run successfully. you need to supply -k option which will proceed to remove the mirror in case PV is missing.

Command: lvchange

This command is used for changing the characteristics of LV. There are numerous options that can be used.

  • -a y/n Activate or deactivate LV
  • -C y/n Change contiguous allocation policy
  • -D y/n Change distributed allocation policy
  • -p w/r Set permission
  • -t timeout Set timeout in seconds
  • -M y/n Change mirror write cache flag
  • -d p/s Change scheduling policy

This is the end of the second post on LV commands. In the next post, we will see lvsync and lvlnboot commands.

LVM commands tutorial: Part 3: Logical Volume (lvcreate, lvdisplay, lvremove)

Series of the tutorial to learn LVM commands. In this part, learn how to create, delete the logical volume and view details of it (lvcreate, lvdisplay, lvremove)

This is the last part of the LVM commands tutorial. Previously we have seen physical volume, volume group commands which can be seen on below links :

Logical volumes are small slices carved out of physical volumes storage space which is collectively available in the volume group. For more details check LVM legends.

Command: lvcreate

This command used to create a new logical volume. Logical volumes are mounted on directories as a mount point. So logical volume size is the size you want for the mount point. Use a command like below :

# lvcreate -L 1024 /dev/vg01
Logical volume "/dev/vg01/lvol1" has been successfully created with character device "/dev/vg01/rlvol1"
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg01 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg01.conf

In the above command, you need to supply size in MB (1 GB in the above example) to -L argument and volume group name in which you need to create that LV. If no name suggested in command then by default command creates LV with name /dev/vg01/lvolX (X is next available number).

This command supports below options –

  • -l Number of LEs
  • -n LV Name

Created LV details can be seen using command lvdisplay.

Command: lvdisplay

We have seen above how to create LV, now we will see how to view details of it. This command is the same as pvdisplay for PV and vgdisplay for VG. It shows you details like name, volume group it belongs to, size, permission, status, allocation policy, etc.

# lvdisplay /dev/vg01/lvol1
--- Logical volumes ---
LV Name                     /dev/vg01/lvol1
VG Name                     /dev/vg01
LV Permission               read/write
LV Status                   available/syncd
Mirror copies               0
Consistency Recovery        MWC
Schedule                    parallel
LV Size (Mbytes)            1024
Current LE                  32
Allocated PE                32
Stripes                     0
Stripe Size (Kbytes)        0
Bad block                   on
Allocation                  strict
IO Timeout (Seconds)        default

More detailed output can be obtained with -v option. In this detailed output, you can get the LE details where they reside and LV distribution across disks.

# lvdisplay -v /dev/vg01/lvol1
--- Logical volumes ---
LV Name                     /dev/vg01/lvol1
VG Name                     /dev/vg01

----- Output clipped ----

   --- Distribution of logical volume ---
   PV Name                 LE on PV  PE on PV
   /dev/disk/disk22        32        32

   --- Logical extents ---
   LE    PV1                     PE1   Status 1
   00000 /dev/disk/disk22        00000 current
   00001 /dev/disk/disk22        00001 current
   00002 /dev/disk/disk22        00002 current
   00003 /dev/disk/disk22        00003 current
   00004 /dev/disk/disk22        00004 current
   00005 /dev/disk/disk22        00005 current
   00006 /dev/disk/disk22        00006 current
   00007 /dev/disk/disk22        00007 current
   00008 /dev/disk/disk22        00008 current
   00009 /dev/disk/disk22        00009 current
   00010 /dev/disk/disk22        00010 current
   00011 /dev/disk/disk22        00011 current
   00012 /dev/disk/disk22        00012 current
   00013 /dev/disk/disk22        00013 current
   00014 /dev/disk/disk22        00014 current

----- output truncated -----

Command: lvremove

Removing a logical volume is data destroying task. Make sure you take the backup of data within the mount point then empty it and stop all user/app access to it. If LV is not empty then the command will prompt you for confirmation to proceed. 

# lvremove /dev/vg01/lvol1
The logical volume "/dev/vg01/lvol1" is not empty;
do you really want to delete the logical volume (y/n) : y
Logical volume "/dev/vg01/lvol1" has been successfully removed.
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg03 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg01.conf

Once lvol is deleted its number is again available for next new lvol which is being created in the same VG. All PE assigned to this LV will be released as free PE and hence free space in VG will increase.

We will be seeing how to extend and reduce LV also how to activate or deactivate LV in the next post.

LVM commands tutorial: Part 2: Volume group (vgremove, vgsync)

Series of the tutorial to learn LVM commands. In this part, learn how to remove volume group from the system and how to sync stale PE within VG (vgremove, vgsync)

This is the fourth and the last post of part two which is related to volume group in our LVM commands tutorial. Rest of the parts and posts can be found in below links :

We have seen 10 commands of volume group activities until now under part two. Now we will cover the remaining two commands in this post.

Command: vgremove

vgremove commands used to remove the volume group from the system. But this is destroying command since it requires removal of all LV, PV in VG. It is always recommended to use vgexport instead of vgremove. Since vgexport also removes VG information from the system but keeps it untouched on PV so that the same PV can be imported to new VG on the new/same system using vgimport.

Safe removal of VG can be done with the below steps :

  1. Backup all user data in that VG
  2. Get information about all LV and PV in that VG using vgdisplay -v command
  3. Make sure no LV is in use using fuser -cu /mount_point command
    # fuser -cu /data /data:   223412c(user1) 
  4. Unmount mount points of related LV
    # umount /data 
  5. Remove all LVs with lvremove /dev/vg01/lvol-name command
    # lvremove /dev/vg01/lvol1 The logical volume "/dev/vg01/lvol1" is not empty; do you really want to delete the logical volume (y/n) : y Logical volume "/dev/vg01/lvol1" has been successfully removed. Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg03 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg01.conf 
  6. Remove all PVs in VG except anyone with vgreduce /dev/vg01 /dev/disk/diskX command
    #vgreduce /dev/vg01 /dev/disk/disk4 Volume group "/dev/vg01" has been successfully reduced. Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg01 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg01.conf 
  7. Finally, use vgremove command to remove VG from system
    # vgremove /dev/vg01 Volume group "/dev/vg01" has been successfully removed  
  8. Remove related group files from system using rm /dev/vg01 command

Command: vgsync

This command used to sync stale LE of LV mirrors in current VG. This used in mirroring only. One can observe the output of vgdisplay -v and confirm if there are any stale LE in current VG. If you found stale LE then you can synchronize them using this command.

# vgsync /dev/vg01
Resynchronized logical volume "/dev/vg01/lvol01".
Resynchronized logical volume "/dev/vg01/lvol02".
Resynchronized volume group "/dev/vg01".

There are no special options required for this command.

This concludes part two (Volume group) of our LVM tutorials.

LVM commands tutorial : Part 2 : Volume group (vgcfgbackup, vgcfgrestore, vgchange)

Series of the tutorial to learn LVM commands. In this part, how to backup/restore VG configuration and to change VG state (vgcfgbackup, vgcfgrestore, vgchange)

This is the third post of part 2 in our LVM commands tutorial. In this post, we are going to see how to backup and restore volume group configurations and how to change volume group states i.e. how to activate/de-activate volume group. Other parts of this LVM tutorial can be found on below links :

Volume group configurations play a vital role in moving PV, VG, data across systems. Let’s start with the configuration backup command.

Command: vgcfgbackup

As the command reads, it takes volume group configuration backup into a disk file residing under /etc/lvmconf directory in the file /etc/lvmconf/vg_name.conf. It reads the LVM header details from the system area of the disk and copies it to file. This file helps you to restore configuration on newly added disk in place of the old disk which may have got corrupted or failed.

It is recommended to have this backup taken after every LVM level change. By default all LVM commands altering LVM details are designed to take this backup automatically hence manually running command is not necessary.

To take manual configuration backup use command as below :

# vgcfgbackup /dev/vg01
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg01 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg01.conf

This needs to run for every volume group available on the system. This command has a couple of options :

  • -f file Save backup in the file specified rather than the default location
  • -u Only updates extra PV which are added to VG after the last backup. Only new PVs required to be online on the system. If -u not used all PV under VG should be online while running the command.

Command: vgcfgrestore

This command restores the VG configuration taken using the above command. Command mainly needs 2 argument volume group name of which configuration needs to be restored and a PV name on which configuration needs to be restored. There are two things which need to keep in mind.

If PV on which we are restoring the backup is part of the mirror copy, then it should be deactivated first. Then restore back up and reactivate it. Command sequence will be :

# pvchange -a n /dev/disk/disk5
Physical volume "/dev/disk/disk5" has been successfully changed.

# vgcfgrestore -n /dev/vg01 /dev/rdisk/disk5
Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk5

# pvchange -a y /dev/disk/disk5
Physical volume "/dev/disk/disk5" has been successfully changed.

If PV is not a part of the mirror then you should deactivate the volume group first then restore the backup and then activate the volume group again. Command sequence will be :

# vgchange -a n /dev/vg01
Volume group "/dev/vg01" has been successfully changed.

# vgcfgrestore -n /dev/vg01 /dev/rdisk/disk5
Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk5

# vgchange -a y /dev/vg01
Volume group "/dev/vg01" has been successfully changed.

This command has several options which can be used with it :

  • -l List configuration only
  • -F Forcefully restore
  • -f file  Restore the configuration from a specified file, not from default backup location
  • -v Verbose mode
  • -R Forcefully restore even if there is a mismatch between PV in the kernel and in config.
  • -o old_path Restore config saved for old PV (path supplied) to new PV mentioned in the command.

Command: vgchange

This command used to make the volume groups active or inactive. The activated volume group simply means it’s available for use. There are different modes of volume groups in which they can be activated. They can be listed as below :

  1. Normal availability mode
  2. Cluster aware mode
  3. Shareable mode
  4. Quoram requirement mode

vgchange command can be used with specified options and their values to activate or deactivate the volume group. For example to normally activate it should be supplied with the argument -a and its value y. See below output to activate and then deactivate volume group

# vgchange -a y vg01
Volume group “/dev/vg014” has been successfully changed.

# vgchange -a n vg01
Volume group “/dev/vg014” has been successfully changed.

Above stated modes can be activated/deactivated using the below options :

  • -a y/n Normal availability mode
  • -c y/n Cluster aware mode
  • -S y/n Shareable mode
  • -q y/n Quoram requirement mode
  • -p Only activate if all related PVs are online
  • -s Disable stale PE sync
  • -x Cross activate the shareable volume group

This concludes the third post of part two related to the volume group. In the next and last post of part two, we are covering how to remove the volume group from the system and how to sync stale PE within the volume group.

LVM commands tutorial : Part 2 : Volume group (vgextend, vgreduce, vgexport, vgimport)

Series of the tutorial to learn LVM commands. In this part, how to extend, reduce, export, and import volume group  (vgextend, vgreduce, vgexport, vgimport).

In this post, we are going to see how to extend the volume group, how to reduce the volume group, how to export volume groups, and how to import it. Previous posts of this LVM tutorial series can be found on below links :

This is the second post in part two of the volume group. In previous posts, we have seen commands like vgcreate, vgdisplay and vgscan. Let’s walk through new VG related commands.

Command: vgextend

Whenever there is a need for extra space on mount points and new disks are added to the system, related volume groups need to accommodate these new disks. Let’s say vg01 is existing VG and new disk5 is added to the server then you need to use vgextend command to add these new disks into vg01. This will, in turn, add new free PE in existing VG vg01 and hence free space will hike in VG.

To add disks into existing VG, you need to initialize it first with pvcreate command (see part one tutorial for pvcreate). Once done disk can be used in vgextend like below :

# vgextend /dev/vg01 /dev/disk/disk5
Volume group "/dev/vg01" has been successfully extended.
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg01 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg01.conf

After successful completion, you can verify that new PV is added to VG by looking at vgdisplay -v vg01 output.

This command can be used with below options :

  • -f Forcefully extend
  • -x Set allocation permissions
  • -z sparepv Should be used to mirroring to define spare PV
  • -g pvg_name Extend with the physical volume group specified.

Command: vgreduce

Its just reverse of the above command. It reduces VG by removing specified PV in command. It’s a bit risky to use hence extra precaution needed. You should make sure that no PE from targeted PV is being used in any LV of VG. This can be verified by lvdisplay and vgdisplay command. If no then you can use pvmove, lvremove commands to move/delete data. Once you are sure that no PE from targeted PV is being used i.e. all PEs are free to form this PV then run below command to remove PV from VG.

# vgreduce /dev/vg01 /dev/disk/disk5
Volume group "/dev/vg01" has been successfully reduced.
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg01 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg01.conf

If you are using multiple PV links then you should remove all PV paths from VG using the above command.

This command allows two options :

  • -f Forcefully remove PV
  • -l pv_path Remove only specified particular PV path from VG

Command: vgexport

Using vgexport one can export all VG related information from disks into map file leaving data on disks intact. With the help of this map file, the same VG can be imported on another system provided all related disks are presented to this another system.

Please note that running this command removes all VG related files from /dev directory and all its related entries in /etc/lvmtab file. This means after running vgexport, that particular VG is turned into non-existent VG for the system.

Before running vgexport, one has to make sure that no one is using data on LVOLs from this VG. This can be verified using fuser -cu /mount_point command. Also, VG shouldn’t be active at the time of export hence you need to de-activate VG using vgchange.

# vgchange -a n /dev/vg01
Volume group "/dev/vg01" has been successfully changed.

# vgexport -v -m /tmp/ vg01
Beginning the export process on Volume Group "/dev/vg01". 
/dev/dsk/c0t1d0 vgexport:Volume Group “/dev/vg01” has been successfully removed.

This command allows below options :

  • -p Preview only. It won’t actually export Vg but creates a map file. Useful for live VG
  • -v Verbose mode
  • -f file Writes all PV paths to file. This file can be used as input to vgimport.

Command: vgimport

This command imports VG which been exported using the above command. Map file extracted from vgimport command should be supplied as an argument to vgimport. In case if a map file is not available, it will still try to import VG by reading LVM information lies of physical disks. In this case, a list of all PV should be supplied.

After vgimport successfully imports VG, note that it’s in an inactive state. You need to activate VG to use it on the system. Also, its recommended to take a configuration backup once you import new VG on system

# vgimport -v -m /tmp/ /dev/vg01 list_of_disk
vgimport: Volume group “/dev/vg01” has been successfully created.
Warning: A backup of this volume group may not exist on this machine.
Please remember to take a backup using the vgcfgbackup command after activating the volume group.

# vgchange -a y vg01
Volume group “/dev/vg01” has been successfully changed.

# vgcfgbackup /dev/vg01
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg01 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg01.conf

This command can be supplied with below options :

  • -N Import with persistent device file names
  • -s Scan each disk
  • -p Preview only
  • -v Verbose mode
  • -f file Import PV paths from the file

This concludes the second post of part two. In the next post, we will be seeing how to backup and restore volume group configurations and how to change volume group states.

LVM commands tutorial : Part 2 : Volume group (vgcreate, vgdisplay, vgscan)

Series of the tutorial to learn LVM commands. In this part of the tutorial, learn how to create volume groups, and see details of it  (vgcreate, vgdisplay, vgscan).

Today we are starting with part two of the LVM command tutorial series. Other series posts can be found here :

This is the first post of part two which will be taking care of volume group activities. In the following writeup, we are going to see commands on how to create a volume group, how to view details of the volume group and how to scan volume groups to build new /etc/lvmtab file.

Command: vgcreate

As we all know volume group i.e. VG is a collection if PV. Refer to LVM legends for better understanding. VG creation is the next necessary step after PV creation to use disk space in mount points. Since in Unix everything is a file, to manage VG, the kernel creates /dev/vgname/group file. This file represents VG in the kernel. Let us see how to create VG from a bunch of available PV. Post Mar 2008 releases of HPUX creates group file automatically with vgcreate command. But we will see here how to make one.

First, create a directory with the desired name of your VG for example. let’s say testvg is our VG name. After that using mknod command creates a special group file. In command, you need to supply major and minor numbers.

# mkdir /dev/testvg
# mknod /dev/testvg/group c major 0xminor

major number: 64 for version 1.0 VG and 128 for version 2.0 VG
minor number: Its hexadecimal number. 0xnn0000 for v1.0 and 0x0000 for v2.0 where nn/nnn is unique number.

Now that special file is generated go-ahead to create VG

# vgcreate /dev/testvg /dev/disk/disk3 /dev/disk/disk4
Volume group "/dev/testvg" has been successfully created.
Volume Group configuration for /dev/testvg has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/testvg.conf

vgcreate can be run with a single PV argument too. This command has several options as below :

  • -V 1.0            To decide version.
  • -s PE_size    Size of PE to be used in MB. Default is 4MB
  • -e max_PE   Max PE per PV. Default is 1016
  • -l max_lv      Max number of LV per VG. Default is 255
  • -p max_pv   Max number of PV per VG. Default is 255
  • -S vg_size    Max future size of VG. Only in v2.0.

The above options can be supplied to command with proper values but it’s not mandatory. If not supplied then their respective values will be taken into consideration while creating VG. Changes in parameters with these options can be seen in vgdisplay output which you can see incoming section.

Command: vgdisplay

Same as pvdisplay command, vgdisplay is used to view VG details. vgdisplay command can be run with -v option to get more detailed output. If run without -v option then it will show output like below but PV details portion won’t be there.

# vgdisplay -v vg_new
--- Volume groups ---
VG Name                     /dev/testvg
VG Write Access             read/write     
VG Status                   available                 
Max LV                      255    
Cur LV                      0      
Open LV                     0      
Max PV                      16     
Cur PV                      2      
Act PV                      2      
Max PE per PV               6000         
VGDA                        2   
PE Size (Mbytes)            32              
Total PE                    26    
Alloc PE                    0       
Free PE                     26    
Total PVG                   0        
Total Spare PVs             0              
Total Spare PVs in use      0 

   --- Physical volumes ---
   PV Name                     /dev/disk/disk3
   PV Status                   available                
   Total PE                    10       
   Free PE                     10       
   Autoswitch                  On        

   PV Name                     /dev/disk/disk4
   PV Status                   available                
   Total PE                    10       
   Free PE                     10       
   Autoswitch                  On

In the above output, you can see PE Size (Mbytes), Max PE per PV, Max LV, Max PV fields which can be altered with options -s, -e, -l, -p arguments in vgcreate command we saw above.  The above output is pretty self-explanatory. It also shows PV details which are part of this VG.

Command: vgscan

This command used for scanning all available PVs to get information on VG and related LV’s and rebuild /etc/lvmtab file. This command used the below options :

  • -a Scan all available PV paths.
  • -B Write all persistent and legacy paths to /etc/lvmtab file
  • -f vg_name Force to update entries of existing VG in /etc/lvmtab with updated info, if any
  • -k Avoid probing disks. Build file from kernel known structure.
  • -N Populate the file with persistent DSF names
  • -p Preview mode only. It won’t update lvmtab file
  • -v verbose mode. Prints messages in the console.
# vgscan -v

Scan of Physical Volumes Complete.

Normally we use vgscan -v only. After this command, you can verify the timestamp of /etc/lvmtab file to verify it’s been updated.

This concludes the first 3 commands of VG. In the next post, we will see how to extend the volume group, how to reduce the volume group and how to export/import volume groups.

LVM commands tutorial : Part 1 : Physical Volume (pvchange, pvmove)

Series of the tutorial to learn LVM commands. In this part of the tutorial, learn different tasks on physical volume  (pvchange, pvmove).

This is the second post on the LVM tutorial. Rest posts from this series can be found on the below links.

This is the last post for part 1 which is dedicated to physical volume. In the last post, we saw pvcreate and pvdisplay. This post we will be checking out pvchange and pvmove commands.

Command: pvchange

pvchange used for changing attributes of physical volume. There are 6 options switch which can be used with this command. Let’s see them one by one.


This switch used for the availability attribute of PV. This should be accompanied with y or n argument. y making PV available and n making it unavailable. You can see the example below with n argument which turns PV unavailable which can be verified in pvdisplay output.

# pvchange -a n /dev/disk/disk3
Physical volume "/dev/disk/disk3" has been successfully changed.

# pvdisplay /dev/disk/disk3
--- Physical volumes ---
PV Name                     /dev/disk/disk3
VG Name                     /dev/vg01
PV Status                   unavailable
Allocatable                 yes
VGDA                        2
Cur LV                      2
PE Size (Mbytes)            8
----- output truncated -----

This switch enables or disables auto-switching. It also has a y or n argument. If activated it makes the current access path to switch on the better available path. If deactivated, path switching happens only if the current access path goes to an unavailable state (due to hardware, cable failure). This applies to disks with multi-paths only.


It’s a timeout value. This switch should be supplied with a number of seconds. This value determines if IO timeout happens and the problem can be declared for IO on particular PV. Useful in clustering.

# pvchange -t 90 /dev/disk/disk3
Physical volume "/dev/disk/disk3" has been successfully changed.

It enables or disables the extensibility of PV. This switch has y and n arguments that enable admin to add/restrict physical extents to PV. Refer to LVM legends to have a better understanding.


Immediately begin accessing the associated physical volume.


Defines PV is spare or regular. This option has significance in mirroring only.

Command: pvmove

As name suggests, it used to move data (in LVM term PE) from one PV to another PV. Command essential moves PEs and hence data within from source to destination PV. If destination PV is not specified then all available PV’s in the current volume group are considered for move operation. Command decides himself best-suited PV for move operation so that allocation policies can be met correctly.

Also if the command is supplied with a list of PV names then the first PV is always considered as source and rest all PVs are considered as a destination.

# pvmove /dev/disk/disk1 /dev/disk/disk2 /dev/disk/disk3

In above example PEs will be moved from disk 1 to disk2 & disk3.

You can also move data for particular lvol to new PV.

# pvmove -n /dev/vg01/lvol2 /dev/disk/disk1 /dev/disk/disk2
Transferring logical extents of logical volume "/dev/vg01/lvol2"...
Physical volume "/dev/disk/disk1" has been successfully moved.
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg01 has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg01.conf

# /usr/sbin/lvdisplay -v /dev/vg01/lvol2

----- output clipped -----

   --- Distribution of logical volume ---
   PV Name                 LE on PV  PE on PV
   /dev/disk/disk2         1557      1557

   --- Logical extents ---
   LE    PV1                     PE1   Status 1
   00000 /dev/disk/disk2         00000 current
   00001 /dev/disk/disk2         00001 current
   00002 /dev/disk/disk2         00002 current
   00003 /dev/disk/disk2         00003 current

In above example PE belonging to lvol2 will be moved from disk1 to disk2. PE distribution can be confirmed via lvdisplay output.

This marks end of part 1 : Physical volume. If you have any questions, please drop in the comments below.

LVM commands tutorial : Part 1 : Physical Volume (pvcreate, pvdisplay)

Series of the tutorial to learn LVM commands. In this part of the tutorial, learn how to create physical volume and how to view its details (pvcreate, pvdisplay)

We are starting this tutorial series for LVM (Logical Volume Manager) which is a widely used volume manager in HPUX and some Linux flavors too. This tutorial will be split into 4 parts :

Let’s dive into the first part i.e. physical volume.

A physical volume is a raw disk presented to the operating system. It can be a local disk, LUN from remote storage, disk from local disk array, etc. All storage disks from these types are formatted as physical volumes under LVM so that those can be used in definite file systems.

Command: pvcreate

Lets start with the first command to create physical volume. Before using this command you need to confirm your new raw disk on OS. You can use ioscan -fnCdisk command or confirm by checking into /dev/rdsk (or /dev/rdisk) directory.

Note : /dev/rdsk/cXdXtX is legacy naming conventions (HPUX 1111,11.21,10.x) whereas /dec/rdisk/diskX is persistent naming convention (11.21, 11.31).

Now that you identified new disk presented to server lets say /dev/rdisk/disk3 for example, you can run pvcreate command to create physical volume out of it.

# /usr/sbin/pvcreate /dev/rdisk/disk3
Physical volume "/dev/rdisk/disk3" has been successfully created.

The command outputs success message confirming PV has been created. Note here that you should use character device file i.e. with /dev/rdisk/diskX.

If by mistake you put in wrong disk name or disk is already being used in LVM on the same server then the command will fail. If you presented disk which was used earlier on another server and now you want to use it here with data loss then -f option can be used to forcefully create PV by destroying any data present on the disk. Note here that -f option do not ask any confirmation before deleting data.

There are other options can be used with this command which are:

  • -B to make it bootable disk. Used during root disk mirroring
  • -b, -d related to bad blocks
  • -s to specify effective size. Normally everyone uses full disk so this options doesn’t matter much
  • -t driver related

Normally these options are not used when we are aiming at PV for mount point usage only. Hence we are not going drill down these options.

Command: pvdisplay

Now, PV has been created one can see its details with pvdisplay command.

# /usr/sbin/pvdisplay /dev/disk/disk3
--- Physical volumes ---
PV Name                     /dev/disk/disk3
VG Name                     
PV Status                   available
Allocatable                 yes
VGDA                        2
Cur LV                      0
PE Size (Mbytes)            32
Total PE                    1557
Free PE                     1557
Allocated PE                0
Stale PE                    0
IO Timeout (Seconds)        default
Autoswitch                  On
Proactive Polling           On

Here many fields are self-explanatory. Refer LVM legends to have a better understanding.  From this output, you can also calculate disk size. Total PE x PE size = Disk size (available to use i.e. after formatting space loss)

If you want to drill down PE details i.e. which PE is serving which LV then -v option can be used. This is helpful when the disk has bad sectors. Below is the output in which PV is part of the volume group already.

# /usr/sbin/pvdisplay -v /dev/disk/disk3
--- Physical volumes ---
PV Name                     /dev/disk/disk3
VG Name                     /dev/vg01
PV Status                   available
Allocatable                 yes
VGDA                        2
Cur LV                      1
PE Size (Mbytes)            32
Total PE                    1557
Free PE                     0
Allocated PE                1557
Stale PE                    0
IO Timeout (Seconds)        default
Autoswitch                  On
Proactive Polling           On

   --- Distribution of physical volume ---
   LV Name                 LE of LV  PE for LV
   /dev/vg01/lvol1         1557      1557

   --- Physical extents ---
   PE    Status   LV                      LE
   00000 current  /dev/vg01/lvol1         00000
   00001 current  /dev/vg01/lvol1         00001
   00002 current  /dev/vg01/lvol1         00002
   00003 current  /dev/vg01/lvol1         00003
   00004 current  /dev/vg01/lvol1         00004
   00005 current  /dev/vg01/lvol1         00005
   00006 current  /dev/vg01/lvol1         00006
   00007 current  /dev/vg01/lvol1         00007
   00008 current  /dev/vg01/lvol1         00008
   00009 current  /dev/vg01/lvol1         00009
   00010 current  /dev/vg01/lvol1         00010
   00011 current  /dev/vg01/lvol1         00011
   00012 current  /dev/vg01/lvol1         00012
----- output truncated -----

Here you can see how PV is distributed among different LV. and furthermore, it gives you table mapping of PE to LE! There are numerous options can be used with this command but normally -v is used commonly.

There are two more commands used for PV operations: pvchange, pvmove. We covered theme commands in the next post.