Tag Archives: linux blog

Double century! Celebrating 200 posts!

Here we are on the 200th block! Kerneltalks journey of 10 months! Crawling web of Linux, Unix & scripts for the goodness of sysadmin!

200 posts! Yay!

And here we are on another milestone 200 posts! Six months ago we hit 100 posts milestone and now double century!

KernelTalks grew big and steadily past few months. Our pageviews increased which almost totaled to 160K as I am writing this article. Our social reach extended too in terms of fan page followers, likes, shares, comments on, or posts. We are also observing daily email subscribers signing up for our newsletters which indicates the reader’s interest in upcoming articles! All these numbers are available here.

In terms of traffic, we observe a significant rise in organic search traffic from search engines which is almost 15-20% of total traffic. SEO tuning, SSL implementation, and speed-boosting with CDN helped us to climb the search engine ladder. Alexa ranking is leaping day by day confirming increasing traffic to blog. Currently holding 380K rank globally. KernelTalks also featured in the top 60 Linux blog list by Feedspot.

KernelTalks gonna complete one year in a couple of months! Considering millions of blogs on the internet and budding new ones every other day, this progress is pretty good for the first year. Hope to see some more good numbers on our first anniversary! Till then have a happy read!

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Its a century! Celebrating 100 posts!

Here we are on the 100th block! Kerneltalks journey of 4 months reaching a milestone of 100 posts! Crawling web of Linux, Unix & scripts for the goodness of sysadmin!

And here we are!!!! on 100th post!!!!

kerneltalks.com was registered in Oct 2016, to take a journey of kerneltalks.blogspot.com further into wider space. In 3-4 months of the span, KT has grown to 100 posts database of Linux, Unix, and Script related stuff. We have observed 40K pageviews in this period and a continuously growing organic search number!

There were a couple of technology enhancements done to run KT smoothly and give an awesome reading experience to all its readers.

KT started getting feedback, questions from its readers over email. Social branding is one of the aspects KT just started and advancing at a low pace day by day. As of today, KT having 377 fans on its Facebook page, 5 Google+ followers, 15 Twitter followers, 19 Feed readers, and 28 email subscribers. Totaling 444 social followers. Although these numbers look pretty small they are growing and yes they are not paid ones!

KT also gained a leap in Alexa ranking. Currently its ranked 4,00,728th popular website in the world and 33,529th in India. If you are into blogging and know what is Alexa, you definitely love these numbers!

I hope the same continuity in the future and would like to see these numbers greatly raised when KT reaches 200 posts milestone! Till then, have a good time! Happy surfing!!