Learn to identify the boot path of vpmon vPar Monitor. It’s important to know vpmon path when you are planning activities on virtual partitions in HP hardware

What is vpmon?
vpmon is vPars Monitor. It’s a daemon that monitors vPars in the background. It also provides a shell MON>
through which various operations can be performed on vPars. Hence vpmon is a very crucial component when it comes to deal with vPars. Also, unless specified, all operations by vpmon are performed on boot disk from which it was spawned. So boot disk of vpmon is an important aspect while planning any activity on vPars.
The only vparload
is the command which has the facility to specify different disk on which operation to be performed. Or else all commands of vpmon runs on boot disk it was booted from.
Boot path of vpmon
To get boot path of vpmon you need to run below command from one of the vPar running HPUX.
testsvr# vparstatus -m
Console path: No path as console is virtual
Monitor boot disk path:
Monitor boot filename: /stand/vpmon
Database filename: /stand/vpdb
Memory ranges used: 0x0/349224960 monitor
0x14d0c000/237568 firmware
0x14d46000/581632 monitor
----- output truncated -----
You can see boot path against Monitor boot disk path
(highlighted above). This is the hardware address of the disk which you need to decode to get disk name in kernel/OS. IT can be decoded as below from left to right :
- This is cabinet number
- This is I/O chassis (0 is front, 1 is back)
- Its I/O bay
- Its slot number
- Rest is ctd
Normally, the first disk of first vPar people set as vpmon boot path.
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