Your /var mount point is getting full? You need to check /var/stm/logs/os directory for old logs. Lots of space can be saved by zipping or purging them.

Ever wondered why /var/stm/logs/os
is taking up huge space in /var
mount point of HPUX? In this post, we will see details about logs under this directory and how to handle them.
Most of the time you get /var
getting full alerts from your monitoring system or you observe /var
is filling up. This is normal behavior since most of the logs reside in /var
and if some logs are growing fast they cause /var
filling up fast. As a first troubleshooting step, you need to check huge size files and directories in /var
Many times you see one of the culprit is /var/stm/logs/os
directory. If you see inside this directory you will see something like below :
# ls -lrt /var/stm/logs/os
total 6986016
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 512656 Apr 10 2008 log1.raw
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 512656 Apr 10 2008 log2.raw
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 512656 Apr 10 2008 log3.raw
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 512656 Apr 11 2008 log4.raw
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 512656 Apr 11 2008 log5.raw
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 512656 Apr 11 2008 log6.raw
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 512656 Apr 11 2008 log7.raw
----- ouput clipped -----
There are lots of raw log files taking up huge space collectively.
What are these logs under /var/stm/logs/os :
Your next question will be what are these files? what is the purpose of these files on the server?
These are raw files that are being logged and used by STM i.e. support tool manager. Those are logs collected by STM which has information about your hardware issues. By the above output, you can see those are rotated when one log file crosses a certain file size. While rotating they are sequentially numbered. This numbering makes it easy when it comes to managing those logs.
How to read these logs :
You can read these logs using log viewer by STM. Goto CSTM console
using command cstm
# /usr/sbin/cstm
Running Command File (/usr/sbin/stm/ui/config/.stmrc).
-- Information --
Support Tools Manager
Version A.59.05
Product Number B4708AA
(C) Copyright Hewlett Packard Co. 1995-2007
All Rights Reserved
Use of this program is subject to the licensing restrictions described
in "Help-->On Version". HP shall not be liable for any damages resulting
from misuse or unauthorized use of this program.
Then run ru
and select logtool
-- Run Utility --
Select Utility
1 MOutil
2 logtool
Enter selection or cancel to quit : 2
-- Logtool Utility --
To View a Summary of Events in a Raw Log
1. Select a raw (unformatted) log file. (File Menu -> "Select Raw")
The current log file ends in ".cur", e.g. "log1.raw.cur".
You do not have to switch logs.
2. View the summary of the selected log file. (View Menu -> "Raw Summary")
To Format a Raw Log
1. Set the format filter for the types of entries you want to see.
(Filters Menu -> "Format"). To see all entries, skip this step.
2. Format the raw log file. (File Menu -> "Format Raw")
3. Display the formatted file. (View Menu -> "Formatted Log")
4. To further narrow the entries displayed, set a display filter.
(Filters Menu -> "Display" -> "Formatted")
For more information, use the on-line help (Help Menu -> "General help").
Logtool Utility>
With give information on console you can view, format raw log files.
Should I purge or zip /var/stm/logs/os logs ?
Now you know what are these files and you observe there are too many of them which are too old to keep. In such a scenario, you have got two options:
- Zip them: For few months old files. Maybe 1-2 months old. How to zip files.
- Purge them: For very old logs like 6 or more months old.
Make a note that those logs are read by STM as well so if you purge or zip them, STM won’t be able to use them.
So be sure you check logs using logtool
utility explained above and decide to purge, zip, or keep it. Normally, if you are not facing any hardware issues with the server currently then you should zip/purge according to the time frame I suggested above.
# ls -lrt /var/stm/logs/os
total 2463008
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 65910 Apr 10 2008 log1.raw.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 57168 Apr 10 2008 log2.raw.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 53727 Apr 10 2008 log3.raw.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 40526 Apr 11 2008 log4.raw.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 39541 Apr 11 2008 log5.raw.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 37050 Apr 11 2008 log6.raw.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 37624 Apr 11 2008 log7.raw.gz
Match above output with previous and see how file size decreased after zipping which in turns saved my /var
Zipping of purging these logs will greatly free up space under /var
mount point. This is one of the directories which we normally miss or ignore while cleaning up the mount point.
Alternatively, you can even configure logrotate utility which will take care of this zipping and purging of files automatically without human intervention.
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