Assorted list of resources to help you with your work in AWS!

In this post, I will quickly run down the assorted list of different software, tools, or online resources that will help you with your AWS journey. So without further delay, let’s jump into it.
AWS Native tools
- AWS Pricing Calculator: Estimate your design cost beforehand and budget accordingly
- AWS Simple Monthly Calculator: Estimate the monthly running cost of your infra on AWS. It is going to be deprecated soon and will be replaced by the former one.
- AWS service health dashboard: Live status of AWS services. You can even use the AWS personal health dashboard, which will curate health status according to the infra being used in your account.
AWS console related
- AWS Helper: Google chrome extension to manage and switch roles in AWS consoles easily!
- AWS Extend Switch roles: Another one!
- Authy MFA tool: Best in class. It has phone and desktop apps so comfortable to use. Encrypted backups.
- Firefox multi-account containers: Use Firefox containers to log into different AWS accounts in single browser window.
AWS architecting
- AWS Architecture Icons: List of supported drawing and diagramming tools and download links for Icons assets and toolkits. It’s very much helpful in designing presentable diagrams with updated, latest AWS icons. Every architecture’s must-have resource!
- Create architecture diagrams with
- Visual subnet calculator: Easy way to slice up your CIDR block into the required number of subnets.
- CIDR Range Visualizer: An interactive CIDR IP addressing visualizer webpage!
- AWS EC2 instances info: Single place to look at all EC2 instances, filters, costing, etc.
CLI lovers
- pagent authentication agent: If you are an AWS engineer and logging into EC2 Linux instances frequently then this tool is pretty much handy. It does all authentication key’s heavy lifting where you can connect to any EC2s seamlessly. Even with the use of bastion hosts.
- SQLectron: An open-source lightweight utility for connecting to RDS.
Infrastructure coding
- Visual Studio Code: Most favoured and loved software for all coding you do on your computer. Supports almost all languages and clouds. Allows you to connect to your cloud and run your code from the software window itself.
- cfn-lint plugin: Cloudformation Linter plugin for Microsoft Visual Studio Code.
- InfraCost: cloud cost estimates on the terraform pull requests!
The list can grow on and on. I just collected a few of them here to start with. Let me know your additions in the comments down below!
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