Category Archives: Other

Understand data center tiers: tier 1 to tier 4

Understand and learn about data center tier. The article explains the data center standardization matrix: tier 1 to tier 4 along with its eligibility criteria.

Data center tiers

Most of our readers are system administrators and surely come across term call data center tiers in their sysadmin life. This article will walk you through what is data center tiers? Different types of data center tiers, what is tier 1, tier 2, tier 3, and tier 4 data center? Which tier data center have maximum availability? etc.

All these might be interview questions for system architects at the beginner level. As a sysadmin its always good to know data center tiers so that you are well verse with your company infrastructure and can decide if that can really deliver on SLAs defined in your environment.

Without further delay, lets start with our topic.

What is data center tier?

Datacenter tier is the standardization matrix that defines overall performance, availability, fault tolerance capability, operating environment of a data center. It defines how the data center is fault-tolerant, how it can sustain to failures of various components, power, connectivity links, etc. It defines availability being offered for hosted servers.

Basically data center tier helps customers to determine which tier is best suitable for their application depending on the SLA requirement and data critical index they have. Mission-critical services should be hosted under a higher tier data center whereas less critical data should be hosted in lower-tier data centers. Obviously cost is another factor here too. As you go on high with tier, cost increases for hosting.

Different data center tiers

There are 4 data center tier standards defined by Uptime Institute. They are as below :

  • Tier 1: Non-redundant capacity and single power, connectivity distribution
  • Tier 2: Tier 1 feature + redundant capacity
  • Tier 3: Tier 2 features + Multiple independent power, connectivity distribution + onsite energy production system
  • Tier 4: Tier 3 features + All components are fault-tolerant, continuous cooling equipment.

A detailed list of requirements to be fulfilled by the data center to be eligible for specific tier is available here.

Data center tier deciding factors :

Datacenter to be eligible for certain tier it should complete certain criteria (as we saw above). There are many factors that affect/help in achieving those criteria. These factors are as below –

  1. Datacenter design, location
  2. Mechanical infrastructure design
  3. Technology infrastructure design
  4. Electric power distribution
  5. Cables distribution
  6. Network and internet connectivity distribution
  7. Fire protection
  8. Security in terms of soft security and physical security controls like biometric etc
  9. Energy production, use, efficiency
  10. Waste management
  11. Environmental control and effects
  12. Cooling management
  13. Capacity management

Accepted downtime and availability tier wise

  • Tier 1: 99.671% uptime, 28.8 hours downtime per year
  • Tier 2: 99.749% uptime, 22 hours downtime per year
  • Tier 3: 99.982% uptime, 1.6 hours downtime per year
  • Tier 4: 99.995% uptime, 26.3 minutes downtime per year

That’s all I have to share with you about data center tier standards. Feel free to point out mistakes, suggestions, feedback in the comments section below.

KernelTalks turned one!

Kerneltalks blog turned one today. This article crafts a year blog journey in info-graphics! Keep visiting us. Thank you!

Happy Birthday KernelTalks!

Yay! Happy Birthday KernelTalks!

Yup. The blog turned one today. It was slow but exponential growth for KernelTalks. Let me walk you through this one year journey with the info-graphic format below :

Kerneltalks one year journey Infographics

Thanks for stopping by! Subscribe us. Follow us. Contact us. Keep visiting us!

Have a happy shell!

Double century! Celebrating 200 posts!

Here we are on the 200th block! Kerneltalks journey of 10 months! Crawling web of Linux, Unix & scripts for the goodness of sysadmin!

200 posts! Yay!

And here we are on another milestone 200 posts! Six months ago we hit 100 posts milestone and now double century!

KernelTalks grew big and steadily past few months. Our pageviews increased which almost totaled to 160K as I am writing this article. Our social reach extended too in terms of fan page followers, likes, shares, comments on, or posts. We are also observing daily email subscribers signing up for our newsletters which indicates the reader’s interest in upcoming articles! All these numbers are available here.

In terms of traffic, we observe a significant rise in organic search traffic from search engines which is almost 15-20% of total traffic. SEO tuning, SSL implementation, and speed-boosting with CDN helped us to climb the search engine ladder. Alexa ranking is leaping day by day confirming increasing traffic to blog. Currently holding 380K rank globally. KernelTalks also featured in the top 60 Linux blog list by Feedspot.

KernelTalks gonna complete one year in a couple of months! Considering millions of blogs on the internet and budding new ones every other day, this progress is pretty good for the first year. Hope to see some more good numbers on our first anniversary! Till then have a happy read!

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Happy Sysadmin Day 2017!

Happy Sysadmin Day 2017! System Administrator Appreciation Day is always last Friday of July month yearly. This year it’s 18th annual.

Happy Sysadmin Day 2017!!

First of all,

Happy Sysadmin Day to all our readers

Yes, its 28 July 2017! System Administrator Appreciation Day 2017!

Sysadmin day is normally last Friday of July month. This year its 18th annual Sysadmin day.

Sysadmin! He/she is the one who keeps your digital world running from behind the scenes. Anything digital you use right from your computer to your ATM card machines, sysadmin is behind them to keep them running healthy. Sysadmin never gets any appreciation he deserves. He works 365 days of year-round the clock even in graveyard shifts. His clock always ticks to make services available all the time. When systems are down everyone else is at ease, the only sysadmin is the one who gets all the heat and overworked to get systems back up. You can not imagine the digital world without sysadmin!

What is sysadmin day

It is a day dedicated to the appreciating system administrator. They are the real hero keeping your digital world running! So why not dedicate one day to appreciate the work they do for you! Appreciate their hard work, their holiday sacrifices, their tolerance when they take heat during downtime, their extra workloads keeping your digital infra up to date. Let’s appreciate at least one sysadmin today by greeting them, gifting them, exchanging little talk with them & expressing thankfulness!!

There are few ways you can appreciate your sysadmin listed here on Those are really worth considering.


Thank you readers (mostly all of you are sysadmins!) for stopping by! Enjoy your day! And yes, for my Linux buddies – Have a happy shell!

Out tweet about this post was liked by the Founder of Sysadmin day! Ted Kekatos @tedkekatos


Blog enhancements for better SEO

KernelTalks implemented few blog enhancements for better SEO and reader engagement. Addition of SSL, AMP & browser push notifications to blog

SSL, AMP and notification! Blog enhancements.

A few months ago we did blog enhancement for better speed and cleaner look by adding premium theme built on Genesis framework and CDN support for lightning-fast page loads. This month we are adding a few more enhancements and features to blog which helps us build better SEO and people engagement.

SSL support

We have added SSL support to our blog. Now loads over https protocol (more secured). Information sends to us will be secured over the internet. Since many of you already know, SSL is one more factor to rank pages in search by Google. This implementation will help us building good ranks in Google search results and building more organic traffic.

Blog is now AMP ready

Google in recent times declared AMP (Accelerated mobile pages) as one of the ranking factors. AMp ensures loading pages on mobile devices almost in no time. This is done via removing all scripts, styling, and very limited special HTML tagging of page. KernelTalks now AMP ready! Now our posts are listed in google results with AMP lightning icon!

AMP pages

You can even view the amp version of kerneltalks by appending /amp to any of our URLs in the browser. We are more closer to the audience with lower bandwidth and loading our pages lightning fast even on mobile devices. If you want to customize and stylish your AMP pages try plugin named AMP for WP. It has all customization you need along with the option to configure AdSense ads.

Browser push notifications

One more reader engagement option enabled for kerneltalks. We have started browser push notifications (supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari) which will notify you about our new articles whenever you open up your browser. You can opt into these notifications by clicking allow in a popup window when you now visit We are using Onesignal push utility for this. This is the best free service allowing unlimited subscribers so you can go for it if you are looking for one for your blog.

That’s all for now! Keep blogging! Let us know your feedback about our blog in the comments.

Have a happy shell!

8 Wannacry ransomware memes take over the Internet

Gallery of wannacry ransomware memes that take over Internet after major cyber attack broke over the weekend.

Wannacry ransomware memes

As everyone is aware the Internet world has been hit by ransomware called WannaCry last weekend. It was a nightmare for Wintel admins as their whole weekend was burned into patching windows servers in their environments. Obviously Linux world was pretty quiet since WannaCry targeted Windows operating systems only.

No wonder, the Internet got filled with lots of memes about this cyber attack. I collected a few of them here:

Read & share !

Note: Image credits are links from where I collected that image. The origin/creator of the image might be different.

If you have any meme about wannacry let us know in comments!

Want to have some some fun in Linux? Read on these articles !

Mailchimp KernelTalks newsletters are here!

We have moved our subscriptions from native Jetpack subscription to Mailchimp ones. More advanced email communication with readers and RSS email management.

Hey there…

KernelTalks is almost 4 months old now and has seen many technical enhancements for better user experience. In our last post, we happily announced a premium theme, Genesis framework, and CDN which runs in KernelTalk’s background. Those enhancements brought us better, cleaner looks to the website, and lightning-fast loading webpages.

We are implementing once for enhancement for our blog! We are moving our subscriptions from native Jetpack to Mailchimp! All existing subscribers will be moved to our Mailchimp subscriber’s list automatically. Now, all new posts notification will be sent out in email via Mailchimp.

If you are not a subscriber yet, join the Unix-Linux world now. It’s FREE. Fill in your email address here or below and you will get Unix-Linux tips right into your mailbox.

Its a century! Celebrating 100 posts!

Here we are on the 100th block! Kerneltalks journey of 4 months reaching a milestone of 100 posts! Crawling web of Linux, Unix & scripts for the goodness of sysadmin!

And here we are!!!! on 100th post!!!! was registered in Oct 2016, to take a journey of further into wider space. In 3-4 months of the span, KT has grown to 100 posts database of Linux, Unix, and Script related stuff. We have observed 40K pageviews in this period and a continuously growing organic search number!

There were a couple of technology enhancements done to run KT smoothly and give an awesome reading experience to all its readers.

KT started getting feedback, questions from its readers over email. Social branding is one of the aspects KT just started and advancing at a low pace day by day. As of today, KT having 377 fans on its Facebook page, 5 Google+ followers, 15 Twitter followers, 19 Feed readers, and 28 email subscribers. Totaling 444 social followers. Although these numbers look pretty small they are growing and yes they are not paid ones!

KT also gained a leap in Alexa ranking. Currently its ranked 4,00,728th popular website in the world and 33,529th in India. If you are into blogging and know what is Alexa, you definitely love these numbers!

I hope the same continuity in the future and would like to see these numbers greatly raised when KT reaches 200 posts milestone! Till then, have a good time! Happy surfing!!

Blog enhancements for better speed and cleaner looks

KernelTalks implemented few blog enhancements for more speedy page loads and clean looks. Addition of CDN and Genesis premium themes to blog.

KernelTalks happy to share new technology enhancement implemented in the blog. Oct 2016 when KernelTalks was moved from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress. Also, it acquired custom domain name over previous one In the past few months, blog traffic has grown to well extent which calls for good specifications.

To cater to growing traffic, KT implemented paid CDN (KeyCDN) for faster page delivery. Now, KT serves pages faster than before with the GTmetrix speed score as A (95%).

Apart from CDN, we also make a purchase of Genesis Framework which is a well famous product of Studiopress. This framework is a very neat and clean parent theme code for WordPress themes. This helps us avoiding code bloat which comes with free themes making then sluggish.

Currently, KernelTalks runs Magazine pro premium Genesis child theme giving it a much cleaner and well-organized look. It’s also a good theme for SEO which will help KT to rank higher in Google results!

That’s all technology updates running behind KernelTalks! Keep surfing and have a happy shell!