Insights of Bash fork bomb. Understand how the fork bomb works, what it could to your system, and how to prevent it.

We will be discussing Bash fork bomb in this article. This article will walk you through what is fork bomb, how it works, and how to prevent it from your systems. Before we proceed kindly read the notice carefully.
Caution: Fork bomb may crash your system if not configured properly. And also can bring your system performance down hence do not run it in production/live systems.
Fork bombs are normally used to test systems before sending them to production/live setup. Fork bombs once exploded can not be stopped. The only way to stop it, to kill all instances of it in one go or reboot your system. Hence you should be very careful when dropping it on the system, since you won’t be able to use that system until you reboot it. Let’s start with insights into the fork bomb.
What is fork bomb?
Its a type of DoS attack (Denial of Service). Little bash function magic! Fork bomb as the name suggests has the capability to fork its own child processes in system indefinably. Means once you start fork bomb it keeps on spawning new processes on the system. These new processes will stay alive in the background and keeps eating system resources until the system hangs. Mostly these new processes don’t do anything and keep idle in the background. Also, by spawning new processes it fills up the kernel process limit, and then the user won’t be able to start any new process i.e. won’t be able to use the system at all.
How fork bomb works?
Now, technically speaking: fork bomb is a function. It calls himself recursively in an indefinite loop. Check the below small example :
bombfn ()
bombfn | bombfn &
Above is the smallest variant of the fork bomb function. Going step by step to read this code :
- bombfn () : Line one is to define new function named bombfn.
- { and } : Contains the function code
- bombfn : This last line calls the function (bombfn) to execute
- Now the function code within
{ }
– Here the first occurrence of bombfn means function calls himself within him i.e. recursion. Then its output is piped to another call of the same function. Lastly & puts it in background.
Overall, the fork bomb is a function which calls itself recursively, piped output to another call to himself, and then put it in background. This recursive call makes this whole process repeat itself for indefinite time till system crashes due to resource utilization full.
This function can be shortened as :(){ :|: & };:
Observe carefully, bombfn is above example is replaced by :
and the last call of function is inlined with ;
:(){ :|: & };:
Since this seems just a handful of symbols, the victim easily fell for it thinking that even running it on terminal won’t cause any harm as anyway, it will return an error. But it’s not!
How to prevent bash fork bomb?
Fork bomb can be prevented by limiting user processes. If you don’t allow the user to fork many processes then fork bomb won’t be allowed to spawn many processes that could bring down the system. But yes it may slow down system and user running fork bomb won’t be able to run any commands from his session.
Caution : This solution works for non-root accounts only.
Process limit can be set under /etc/security/limits.conf
or PAM configuration.
To define process limit add below code in /etc/security/limits.conf
file :
user1 soft nproc XXX
user1 hard nproc YYYYY
Where :
- user1 is username for which limits are being defined
- soft and hard are the type of limits
- nproc is variable for process limit
- last numbers (XXX, YYYYY) are a total number of processes a user can fork. Set them according to your system capacity.
You can verify the process limit value of user by running ulimit -u
from the user’s login.
Once you limit processes and run fork bomb, it will show you below warning until you kill it. But you will be able to use the system properly provided you set limits well within range.
-bash: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
You can kill it by pressing cntl+c
on the next iteration of warning. Or you can kill using root account from another session.
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