We have moved our subscriptions from native Jetpack subscription to Mailchimp ones. More advanced email communication with readers and RSS email management.

Hey there…
KernelTalks is almost 4 months old now and has seen many technical enhancements for better user experience. In our last post, we happily announced a premium theme, Genesis framework, and CDN which runs in KernelTalk’s background. Those enhancements brought us better, cleaner looks to the website, and lightning-fast loading webpages.
We are implementing once for enhancement for our blog! We are moving our subscriptions from native Jetpack to Mailchimp! All existing subscribers will be moved to our Mailchimp subscriber’s list automatically. Now, all new posts notification will be sent out in email via Mailchimp.
If you are not a subscriber yet, join the Unix-Linux world now. It’s FREE. Fill in your email address here or below and you will get Unix-Linux tips right into your mailbox.
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